[DOTA] jewz_did_9-11

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[DOTA] jewz_did_9-11

Postby SeRaReS » Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:57 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/game/11790014/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #1
Your Warcraft III Username: bullfrog
Violator's Warcraft III Username: jewz_did_9-11
Violated Rule(s): Gameruin, Malicious use of spells, ignoring teamplay
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Marked by !timestamp#1/2/3 in chat
Any further thoughts: So this guy feeds hard and blames the team, after that he ignores everyone. At Timestamp #1 he has clearly resorted to gameruin, he uses his vendatta to lasthit a jungle creep i was farming and then backs off when the teamfight starts and refusus to teamplay(!timestamp #2). He refuses any help and resorts to playing for dagon k/d from that point. Also visible at !timestamp #3 that he sits in base for a prolonged time waiting for an opportunity to ks instead of resorting to teamplay. As far as I remember this is defenetly not the first time this player has done this, really toxic, always blames team if he looses or praises himself if he wins.

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Re: [DOTA] jewz_did_9-11

Postby gimmedat » Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:57 pm

I was about to post my own request for this same game until I saw this post. I have to second everything Bullfrog mentioned. This player is extremely toxic and emo. And generally throws a game or throws a huge fit if things don't go his way.

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Re: [DOTA] jewz_did_9-11

Postby Gin_ » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:57 am

At time stamp 1, he did use Vendatta to kill your golem, but I don't think it is bannable, because he didn't cast spell maliciously on you.
time stamp 2, because he wasted all the spells on creeps, so he cannot help you and like he mentioned earlier, he will only play for kills.
time stamp 3, he was running around in the base, but your teammates got killed so fast, there is nothing he can do to help.

However, I found these wards in the game. Telling another player to kill himself is definitely bannable. And he also mentioned he will only play for kd and not willing to help the team to win.

(14:50 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: least i know this is a throwaway game now i'll just play for k/d

(14:57 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: dont expect help from me
(15:02 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: assholes

(15:17 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: kill yourself in real life
(15:18 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: asshole
(15:18 / Allied) jewz_did_9-11: fuck yo

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