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i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:23 am
by Kalipso-undea2
Hi , i count on u for do someting isnt possible to play on ent like this anymore , we love Ent serveur and some people try to ruin it ,
kick people for no reason only for pleasure to hate free , and ruin game to get ELO unfarily and no legit + MH i weith my WORDS , ifuckurmom
, no_mercy , l'oeil , niitlow on Game the 21/02/2022 at 2h35 morning in French Time Paris , PLEASE ADMIN do someting to these people a big Ban i request , not only for ME but for all people play on Ent for take fun and play Safe without Ruinner troller and much think idiot

Thanks for ur listen and Hf

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:54 am
by israel04
just my 2 cents in this comment, Kalipso is to be honest the most toxic player of ENT no one can stand him he's destroying all the fun always ruining and insulting people in all the games.

it's really easy to find out how he's so toxic, i checked his last games : ... 080438.w3g

(00:53 / Allied) 108kg: 아
(00:55 / Allied) 108kg: 중국은 다른가
(00:55 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: MONGOLIEN QUE T ==> handicap
(01:06 / Allied) BLACKJ: 불활이랑 아닌거랑 나누던데
(01:16 / Allied) ifckurmom: get aoe
(01:19 / Allied) ifckurmom: we good on carries
(01:20 / Allied) BLACKJ: 귀찮네..

here treating a guy of handicap, we all know that handicap it's not something to laugh about or insult. This has nothing with this game or ENT rules.

game : ... 080421.w3g

(00:04 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: T Ban
(00:05 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: grosse pute
(00:07 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: jte repport
(00:08 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: avec replay
(00:13 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: mangeuse de keu

again insulting at the start of the game

(00:51 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: fuck u
(00:52 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: negro

insulting another player

2 min after he decides to ruin :

(02:23 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: i go fontaine
(02:24 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: k ?

all he does is trolling :

08:58 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: fuck noob
(08:59 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: lal
(09:03 / All) ifckurmom: that lvl up...
(09:12 / All) kingofthekush1: wouldnt have mattered
(09:15 / All) kingofthekush1: sb had you
(09:18 / Allied) KaLiPsO-DOGSHIT: ss silencer
(09:23 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: :))))
(09:24 / Allied) ifckurmom: !sd ketch
(09:28 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: glad to see him
(09:29 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: get fucked
(09:30 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: funny
(09:31 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: xD

again insulting and admitting he's ruining :

(19:13 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: I FUCK UR MOM
(19:14 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: DOGSHIT
(19:15 / Allied) KaLiPsO-DOGSHIT: 0-4-0 huh, how does it feel to not be a factor in anything
(19:16 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: u love this ?
(19:19 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: HAHAHAHA
(19:22) ifckurmom killed KetchUpRelish
(19:22 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: I LOVE THIS GAME
(19:23 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: GET LOOSE
(19:25 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: WITH U
(19:27 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: IS A PLEASUR

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:07 pm
by iambackk ... 080421.w3g

yeah like this game kalipso? if an admin can please check this one, he min 1 placed mines one by one in 10 different spot, i mean if this isnt to tk this is for what?
This kalipso is a totaly retarded person...
racist player, pure flamer
(03:24 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: JE TENCULE SALOPE (i fuck u bitch)
(03:48 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: francais (french)
(03:51 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: suceur d'arab (arab sucker)
(03:51 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: mdr
(12:57 / All) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: !votekick ifck (vk abuse)
(19:13 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: I FUCK UR MOM
(19:14 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: DOGSHIT
(19:22 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: I LOVE THIS GAME
(19:23 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: GET LOOSE
(19:25 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: WITH U
(19:27 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: IS A PLEASUR (admiting ruin)
(21:20 / Allied) KaLiPsO-FiReFoX: !votekick ifck (another vk buse)

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:04 am
by EdteOfChaos2
Oh hey it's Kalipso, remember the time you spend the entire game walking into the entire enemy team with LC and went 0/26 or so? You're the worst ruiner here and should get kicked literally every game.

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:28 pm
by iambackk
@mattybatty can u please check this? u dont even have to check replay, he tryed to do a useless report on us, now u have chat log, i can't see this racist player anymore in this league and i ask for a strong ban please,


Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:43 pm
by Chrisangel77
kalipo asking to ban hahahahahahhahahah his a retarded fool who needs a long ban

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:23 pm
by DEathN0te
@LeGiOnPrOpLayah420x3 can you please ban this one too, he's known as the most toxic player and ruinner in ENT actually

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:25 am
by israel04
another ruining games from kalipso :) : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=145295

Re: i dont find the link to repport so i repport here

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 6:29 pm
by israel04
@BlisteR can you please check this one