Ban Request
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:56 am
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #26
Your Warcraft III Username: yummis
Violator's Warcraft III Username:trczapre9886
Violated Rule(s): abusing ff and refusing to help team/game ruin
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):9:41, 13:52
Any further thoughts: He got mad because no one shared a courier with him so he gave up and refused to help team fights. At 13:52 he was watching me at woods while enemy, axe, was attacking me and refused to help. Was asking to be kicked all game. Please ban him @astros I appreciate everything you do. Thank you.
(09:41 / Allied) trczapre9886: !ff
(10:02 / Allied) trczapre9886: dont caer anymore
(10:05 / Allied) trczapre9886: !ff
(11:59 / Allied) trczapre9886: this game is over
(13:53 / Allied) trczapre9886: dang
(13:54 / Allied) trczapre9886: he got u
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #26
Your Warcraft III Username: yummis
Violator's Warcraft III Username:trczapre9886
Violated Rule(s): abusing ff and refusing to help team/game ruin
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):9:41, 13:52
Any further thoughts: He got mad because no one shared a courier with him so he gave up and refused to help team fights. At 13:52 he was watching me at woods while enemy, axe, was attacking me and refused to help. Was asking to be kicked all game. Please ban him @astros I appreciate everything you do. Thank you.
(09:41 / Allied) trczapre9886: !ff
(10:02 / Allied) trczapre9886: dont caer anymore
(10:05 / Allied) trczapre9886: !ff
(11:59 / Allied) trczapre9886: this game is over
(13:53 / Allied) trczapre9886: dang
(13:54 / Allied) trczapre9886: he got u