pro_G - Items destroyed and mass ward
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:34 pm
Replay Link: ... 139821.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #4
Your Warcraft III Username: rules
Violator's Warcraft III Username: pro_G and sheepsheep for refusing to vk
Violated Rule(s): items destroyed for pro_G and refusing to kick for sheepsheep
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(35:58 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp ward mass
(36:15 / All) sheepsheep: no kick
(36:15 / All) pro_G: bastards
(36:16 / All) sheepsheep: cant see
(36:19 / All) sheepsheep: that he buys sentrie
(36:19 / All) sheepsheep: so
(36:25 / Allied) pro_G: fu noobs
(36:32 / All) no_rules: !timestamp sniper refusese to kick
(36:37 / All) sheepsheep: !timestamp no reason to kick
(36:43) pro_G killed theNoobiestNoob
(36:49) demobut killed !'.'!
(36:55) imawhore killed master_pianos
(36:56) no_rules killed sheepsheep
(36:56 / All) pro_G: A votekick against player [pro_G] has expired.
(37:02 / All) sheepsheep: dont see any sentries on slark
(37:04) imawhore killed pro_G
(37:10 / All) sheepsheep: !timestamp no_rules forcing kick
Any further thoughts: @astros both of this guys need a good ban please
thank you
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #4
Your Warcraft III Username: rules
Violator's Warcraft III Username: pro_G and sheepsheep for refusing to vk
Violated Rule(s): items destroyed for pro_G and refusing to kick for sheepsheep
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(35:58 / Allied) no_rules: !timestamp ward mass
(36:15 / All) sheepsheep: no kick
(36:15 / All) pro_G: bastards
(36:16 / All) sheepsheep: cant see
(36:19 / All) sheepsheep: that he buys sentrie
(36:19 / All) sheepsheep: so
(36:25 / Allied) pro_G: fu noobs
(36:32 / All) no_rules: !timestamp sniper refusese to kick
(36:37 / All) sheepsheep: !timestamp no reason to kick
(36:43) pro_G killed theNoobiestNoob
(36:49) demobut killed !'.'!
(36:55) imawhore killed master_pianos
(36:56) no_rules killed sheepsheep
(36:56 / All) pro_G: A votekick against player [pro_G] has expired.
(37:02 / All) sheepsheep: dont see any sentries on slark
(37:04) imawhore killed pro_G
(37:10 / All) sheepsheep: !timestamp no_rules forcing kick
Any further thoughts: @astros both of this guys need a good ban please
thank you