AA-it seems he is friends with the bounty hunter and the skymage who was mhing, intentional feeding (couriers, himself, and items)
Rules Broke-mh, refusal to kick feeder, fountain farm- 1 year ban length
elapsed time
7:17 heads straight towards a skymage in scrouge jungle coming top lane to feed
7:42 heads back from the river back to top lane
10:09 blinks right into feeding skymage in the fog
10:25 finishes killing sky and heads back to top lane
10:52 skymages passes second to last jungle camp before top tower
11:03 AA knows this heads straight for skymage
11:15 AA kills skymage
12:43 |cFF0000FFbananapie (Ancient Apparition)|r clicked Goblin Techies (actual time 12:45)-fog clicks an invis techies at mid lane
13:51 skymage heads into jungle
13:59 sky dies but feeds to yellow clarity potions
14:11 walks straight into dk in the fog and starts aftershock stuns away
15:30 AA changes his direction immediately upon skymage instead of heading into forest is heading straight down mid lane (note skymage is in fog)
15:33 AA blinks and skymage is dead by 15:37
17:26 AA heads bot to gank sniper
17:45 AA turns around feeds off of skymage, during this time sniper has moved into a small hiding place near first tower of bottom lane
17:52 AA heads straight to where sniper is hiding with nothing to indicate it
17:58 AA blinks into a sniper in the fog of war
18:04 sniper dies
18:31 walks pass skymage and does nothing
22:20 AA and bh kills skymage yet again
22:40 AA and bh kills skymage again
!approve for AA banned for 1 year
BH-it seems he is friends with the AA and the skymage who was mhing, intentional feeding (couriers, himself, and items)
Rules Broke-mh, refusal to kick feeder, fountain farm- 1 year ban length
elapsed time
5:25 BH came straight to mid to obtain the early exp fed by skymage
6:00 BH goes to mid to obtain more feeding exp by skymage
6:36 skymage has died for the 3rd time
8:07 grabs invis rune heads straight right at skymage standing right next to rosh
8:19 skymage has died to rosh and giving bh more exp
9:05 skymage heads right to BH to feed him more exp
9:16 skymage has been killed by BH
11:56 kills skymage again and is given items by skymage (tangos)
12:36 kills skymage again
13:33 skymage sends his bird straight to where BH is to kill it
13:51 BH heads straight from his jungle camp toward the direction of skymage (note skymage is still in fog)
13:59 skymage dies giving BH more items, tangos and a potion
14:25 skymage heads straight for BH feeding him more
14:40 head straight into scrouge base, 14:45 engages dueling skymage and wins
14:50 |cFFFFFF00Perm (Gondar)|r clicked Tomb of Relics (actual time 14:53)-fog clicks onto the potion shop scrouge side with no vision of it whatsoever
18:31 BH sees skymage heads straight to him, AA just ignores skymage and walks in different direction
18:40 BH is fed clarity pots and gets to duel skymage
20:54 BH kills skymage with duel feeding himself further
21:43 heads straight to skymage for another duel match
22:15 BH duels skymage
26:25 heads into scrouge fountain area to fountain farm
!approve for BH banned for 1 year
Skymage -it seems he is friends with the AA and and BH. He is a mher, intentional fed (couriers, himself, and items) to both AA and BH
Rules Broke-mh, intentional fed (couriers, himself, and items) to both AA and BH- 1 year ban length
elapsed time
6:11 |cFFA9A9A9hihihihihi (Skywrath Mage)|r clicked Ancient Apparition (actual time 6:13)-fog clicks onto AA walking near the side of the river
6:53 |cFFA9A9A9hihihihihi (Skywrath Mage)|r clicked Ancient Apparition (actual time 6:55)-fog clicks onto AA in the river headed toward top lane
10:25 |cFFA9A9A9hihihihihi (Skywrath Mage)|r clicked Ancient Apparition (actual time 10:27)-fog clicks onto AA after feeding him a kill
!approved Skymage is banned for 1 year
Note to other Admins:
I believe that these 3 people may be ban dodgers already or will dodge this ban that I am placingJug-admin impersonator
Jug indicated this with his messages during the game
(15:22 / All) hihihihihi: who needs exp and gold/
(15:27 / All) KingOfMapHack: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(15:28 / Private) Perm: i got repel
(15:31 / All) KingOfMapHack: m at bot jungle
(15:32 / All) KingOfMapHack: come
(15:33 / Private) Perm: his golem aint shit
(15:36 / All) Justin.Beavar: bomb
(15:36) hihihihihi killed Justin.Burger
(15:38 / All) KingOfMapHack: if u dont feed me
(15:39 / All) KingOfMapHack: Ill ban u
(15:39 / All) Justin.Beavar: this blue mhs too
(15:43 / All) Justin.Beavar: he just came to me fogs
(15:45 / All) KingOfMapHack: feed me
(15:46 / All) i3omb: I can check it out
(15:47 / All) KingOfMapHack: or i ban u
(15:51 / All) KingOfMapHack: u only feed my mates
(15:52 / All) Justin.Beavar: or hihihi is telling him
(15:55 / All) Justin.Beavar: on skype
(15:55 / Allied) KingOfMapHack: i ban u for not feedign me also
@Medicca and
@Yondaime you 2 can decide how long he should ban for if at all for this sort of impersonation. Also if you want to confirm the ban, thx alot. I3omb