knoedl + scourge team

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knoedl + scourge team

Postby DancinForMyPapi » Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:14 am

Your username: DancinForMyPapi
Violator's username: knoedl 72xronos dafaq lsmokeweed raised2pwn megapoliceman
Game name (if known): [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #90
Bot name (for example, ENT15):
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page):
Replay: attached
Rule player violated: knoedl fed intentionally. scourge team refused to kick. lsmokeweed and raised2pwn used a maphack.

Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): knoedl's feeding starts at ~3:00 gametime, when he intentionally misses heals to avoid damaging the enemy and allows them to kill me under the tower. again at ~9:45 gametime, when he waits at the tower while we have a large teamfight and all get killed. once all of us die, at ~10:30 he runs into the entire enemy team and feeds himself. we finally vote to kick knoedl at ~11:30. our entire team votes, but no one on the scourge team votes - they just unpause the game.

lsmokeweed's maphack is best seen at ~17:00, when he timewalks onto me in the jungle without any sight of me. at 25:00, raised2pwn respawns and walks straight from the scourge fountain to gank me in the sentinel forest, again without any sight. these aren't guesses, as both of them go directly to me - lsmokeweed's timewalk lands directly on top of me and raised2pwn walks right into me and starts attacking.

Any further thoughts: the entire scourge team benefited from lsmokeweed and raised2pwn's maphacks, so all of them should get the punishment for it. the punishment for intentional feeding and not kicking a feeder is way too lenient.
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Re: knoedl + scourge team

Postby Vapula » Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:13 pm

Yellow was just a bad player, therefore he shouldn't have been votekicked, so I am going to deny the ban for not votekicking.

However, this nerd, lsmokeweed, paid for a hacking program that hides his fog clicks. I picked them up on my program, especially the 08:51 (replay time) click on prophet that won't show up when he is farming in sent forest. At 19:18 (replay time) this void does time walk RIGHT onto you without him knowing this AT ALL. That made it very obvious that he maphacks, and more than likely PAID for it too, lmao. I hate kids like that.

As for raised2pwn, he does go straight for you in forest. I agree on this as well that he probably paid for his maphacks as well. Banning for 1 year.

To the hackers: I will find you, and I will ban you. Any amount you pay to hide your clicks and obvious moves will not be hidden from my eyes. Enjoy your bans, and enjoy BGN.
Vapula is a powerful Great Duke of Hell that commands thirty-six legions of demons.

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