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[DOTA] Report

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:44 pm
by Shadow-91
Your Warcraft III username: Vemma_2013
Violator's Warcraft III username: enigma_g , zloy_all
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #84
Stats page link: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #84
Rule player violated: Sleeping me , afk
Time of incidents : i think atropos begined to sleep me 22 min in the was alot of times he did it
Any further thoughts:

Atropos were sleeping me all the time when we should push and it was like 20 min in the game and so after.....Pl goes afk after we pushed and we didnt go bot....he just stayed in fountain and maked us losed...

I want atropos bann because he sleeped me all the time....Pl ruined the game cus he was afk....thank you

Re: [DOTA] Report

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:08 pm
by nabo.
This is a ban request from Tide to Bane for team sleeping and to Rubick for being a noob.

1) Bane votekick abused against OP at 4:53 (4:53 [Allies] enigma_G (Atropos): !votekick vem) and votekick abused against rubick (20:36 [Allies] enigma_G (Atropos): !votekick eun).
Reason for initiating a votekick isnt sufficient enough for both cases.

-To OP: Stop raging and commanding people what to do so directly. Learn to lead people better with better choice of phrasing. People wont listen to you if u talk to them the way u did this game. U didnt deserve a votekick, but ur plays + language wasnt the best for someone who is trying to lead his team. Ur team couldave had two raxes and win the game if better teamwork + leadership definitely.

2) As noted by OP, bane sleeps tide for "i wanna piss u off" purpose since 23 min of the game. Some instances were just to piss OP off and did not effect the game result much. But, there was a time when bane slept tide to leave him get ganked or slept while raxing at the end of the game.

3) Rubick was a noob. Did not do tat bad n is not a ruiner either. Therefore, an invalid ban request.

I suggest a short ban time for bane for votekickabuse and team sleeping. It wasnt a serious case, but a minor one due to OP's choice of language and non-constructive attitude.

Re: [DOTA] Report

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:02 am
by I3omb
Votekicks are usually not punishable unless a player is kicked out of game. I will check for the abuse on using skills on allies and the fact that pl may have afk.


enigma_g is banned for 2 weeks for using skills maliciously against allies

zloy_all is banned for 3 days for afking at a crucial time that would lead to his team's loss

Any comments pm me