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[CW] ULQU10RR4, realm unknown

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:14 pm
by oscarylios
Your Warcraft III username: oscarylios
Violator's Warcraft III username: ULQU10RR4
Game name or map name: Rise of Civilizations
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: Kicking for no reason, banning when defeated, ruining the game by repeatedly abusing a command (zombies)
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer):
Replay timer : 32:00, Grofc started to assault with the unit "great bombard", at 33:00 he gets called "map hacker" when he only shot possible places where people would build, shooting exactly the control point which is visible but fogged, he gets kicked afterwards, at 39:30 red player is defeated and he starts abusing command "-zombie" which caused defeat to yellow, purple and ultimately my defeat (teal). Then afterwards I get banned.
Any further thoughts: The kicking reason was "map hacking" when he shot blindly. They're ruining a great map.
Bot name: Ent.LA1 (or maybe 2, not sure).

Re: [CW] ULQU10RR4, realm unknown

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:14 pm
by Kyubey
Hello, thank you for your concerns. I am the maker of this map and in the new update, spamming the zombie command is no longer possible once 5 minutes has passed in the game. Sorry that you had a bad experience.

The newest version can be downloaded on

Re: [CW] ULQU10RR4, realm unknown

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:54 pm
by nabo.
It seems this is not an auto hosted pub game.
Meaning, it is a private hosted game by someone.

We do not regulate private hosted game unless its a case of mh.
The host makes the rules and banning whomever is his privilege.

Sorry, but gotta deny despite the bad game u experienced.
If you got any further questions or comments, pm me.
