[LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

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[LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby derpherp » Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:00 am

Your Warcraft III username: ITouchMyself
Violator's Warcraft III username: ju1ju and nata_lia
Game name or map name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #30
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=3308153
Rule player violated: ju1ju makes oj cross with him and then builds shitty units (he had less value than solo builders and he only had 1 wisp). I suspect someone else is using his account because his elo is 1500 but he certainly does not play that way. He also leaves at level 8 even when we were clearly not losing, and he did not lag out, making it so that orange has no units and he still has to deal with a whole wave.

Nata_lia shows no effort of teamwork and intentionally messes up our sends. It's true a player can send at levels they want, but when you tell your team you are going to send a certain level and you don't on purpose, you are throwing the game for your team. I ask him to save for level 17 and he doesn't, so we up king for income instead, accommodating HIM. Then at level 16 he says send 17 when we all have around 600 lumber or less because he said no to send 17. I tell him no we have no lumber since he told us he wasn't going to send 17. i say save for 20 and he AGREES that he will. Then without any indication, he sends a demon for 18 without telling us or anything. Now our level 20 send is gimped and then we lose the game.
edit: This concept is like if i were to tell someone to gank in dota, I agree, and I just walk away without saying anything, leaving my teammate(s) alone. That's intentionally not helping.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Level 8, and 18.
Any further thoughts: Please ban these game ruiners.
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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby derpherp » Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:51 am

Can someone tell me why this report is being ignored?

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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby Allsta[r] » Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:53 am

derpherp wrote:Can someone tell me why this report is being ignored?

Because it does not seem like anything wrong has been done by them. It is not uncommon to be trolled, I have not seen the replay but it is quite possible they were unhappy from you or other's on your team. They did not really intentionally ruin the game or break a rule. It is hard to ban somebody when they did not really break a rule.

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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby derpherp » Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:56 am

Allsta[r] wrote:
derpherp wrote:Can someone tell me why this report is being ignored?

Because it does not seem like anything wrong has been done by them. It is not uncommon to be trolled, I have not seen the replay but it is quite possible they were unhappy from you or other's on your team. They did not really intentionally ruin the game or break a rule. It is hard to ban somebody when they did not really break a rule.

This concept is like if i were to tell someone to gank in dota, I agree, and I just walk away on purpose without saying anything, leaving my teammate(s) alone. That's intentionally not helping.

Saying you will agree do something in a game and not doing it is indeed game ruining, which warrants a ban. I understand if he does not know how to play, but he clearly knows how to send and what sending does.

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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby Allsta[r] » Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:58 am

This concept is like if i were to tell someone to gank in dota, I agree, and I just walk away without saying anything, leaving my teammate(s) alone. That's intentionally not helping.

Saying you will agree do something in a game and not doing it is indeed game ruining, which warrants a ban. I understand if he does not know how to play, but he clearly knows how to send and what sending does.[/quote]
It has completely nothing to do with it, you seem to only be upset about losing. It does not warrant a ban because there could be a number of reasons why he sent, and he did not tell you that they were doing it to try to lose did they? If they did that will warrant one, if there is no intent to lose it will be tough for you to even stand on a leg. It is really just a case of you being bitter over a loss.

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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby nabo. » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:07 am

It will be looked at when someone is free.
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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby derpherp » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:11 am

Allsta[r] wrote:This concept is like if i were to tell someone to gank in dota, I agree, and I just walk away without saying anything, leaving my teammate(s) alone. That's intentionally not helping.

Saying you will agree do something in a game and not doing it is indeed game ruining, which warrants a ban. I understand if he does not know how to play, but he clearly knows how to send and what sending does.
It has completely nothing to do with it, you seem to only be upset about losing. It does not warrant a ban because there could be a number of reasons why he sent, and he did not tell you that they were doing it to try to lose did they? If they did that will warrant one, if there is no intent to lose it will be tough for you to even stand on a leg. It is really just a case of you being bitter over a loss.

I am not upset about losing at all. My team was clearly not as good as theirs. I am reporting them because they are both in fact, game ruiners, and bad for the LTD community. If we allow people like them to continue playing without repercussions, others will think that acting like that is fine and will do the same.

People don't really outright say "hey, I'm going to ruin this game on purpose," they just do it.

Also, this report does not concern you, you are not a mod/admin. It's pointless for us to argue.

Another thing. Interjecting your opinion on a game that you have not even watched, are you serious with that?

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Re: [LTD] ju1ju and nata_lia

Postby JunZzi » Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:14 am

Request Denied.

We dont ban people for leaving, And we don't ban people for asking to send on a level with 600 lumber. Im guessing he was new to the game, In which we do not ban people for, You may consider it ruining your game, But It's not against our rules to send when you like.

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