Ban BuRnINgChAoS for teamkill in JPSurvival
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:01 am
Your username: krom86
Violator's username: BuRnINgChAoS
Game name (if known): Jurassic Park Survival!
Bot name (for example, ENT15): ENT47
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): About 12:55 EST
Rule player violated: Teamkill
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Well he killed us all, but not until at least 20min in did he kill the first guy.
Any further thoughts: He's probably not a bad guy, player red didn't put on the mode he wanted, but he took it too far. He mentioned he's been banned before and changes his IP Address and all that business. Just ban this guy as long as you can.
Attached Replay
Violator's username: BuRnINgChAoS
Game name (if known): Jurassic Park Survival!
Bot name (for example, ENT15): ENT47
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): About 12:55 EST
Rule player violated: Teamkill
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Well he killed us all, but not until at least 20min in did he kill the first guy.
Any further thoughts: He's probably not a bad guy, player red didn't put on the mode he wanted, but he took it too far. He mentioned he's been banned before and changes his IP Address and all that business. Just ban this guy as long as you can.
Attached Replay