[Info] Ban Request Format

Approved or denied ban requests are archived here.

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[Info] Ban Request Format

Postby uakf.b » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:34 pm

Sometimes, a player violates one of our rules and we are torn in our goal of maintaining a friendly community. However, penalties for being disruptive are always necessary.

Please post ban requests using the format below in this section. We take all bans seriously and appreciate your feedback as it would be infeasible to have moderators in every game, and will try our best to come to an appropriate decision regarding a player.

Here, "your" will of course mean the information of you, the ban requester, and "player" or "violator" will refer to the player who you are requesting to ban.

Please also watch the replay yourself and note the time each incident occurrs and post these times in your request. "Whole Game" is not acceptable as time of incidents.

Subject: the violator's battle.net username and, if known, realm
Note: you can include an optional description in subject, but you should always have the username of the player as well

Code: Select all

[b]Your battle.net username[/b]:
[b]Violator's battle.net username[/b]:
[b]Game name (if known)[/b]:
[b]Bot name (for example, ENT15)[/b]:
[b]Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page)[/b]:
[b]Rule player violated[/b]:
[b]Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer)[/b]:
[b]Any further thoughts[/b]:

Attach replay: find your replay (if you don't have it saved) and then upload it
Note: the online auto-saved replays are cleared within seven days, so you must upload it to the website for it to remain permanently.
dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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