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[DOTA] - Game ruining

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:39 pm
by blink666
Your Warcraft III username: Nepenthes
Violator's Warcraft III username:
Replay: ... 677735.w3g
Rule player violated: AFK and various game throwing
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Literally all game long
Any further thoughts: starts by repetitively AFKing (he was the lowest level most of the time) then plays and ruins/throws allies into enemies, follows around/trolls/creepsteals people in forest, cancels allies' TPs, tries to votekick allies etc. Please give maximum ban possible, people like that ruin the ENT experience thanks. Also if you could give a small ban for enemies who refused to vote the tens of attempts it would be nice

Re: [DOTA] - Game ruining

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:51 am
by nabo.

I am not gonna watch 51 minute game.
Please provide the appropriate replay time stamps relevant to your ban request.

Re: [DOTA] - Game ruining

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:46 am
by blink666
TBH for a trash like this I don't feel like spending time, however just look at the gamechat in the replay almost everyone in team was annoyed by him, I wasn't even the one to votekick him first

For example; at 18:07 he was afk several minutes

Look at the allies chat he was trolling/ruining so much it should be enough for a ban:

(16:12 / Allied) LastProphet: !votekick keep
(20:50 / All) LastProphet: stupid ass tiny
(20:55 / All) LastProphet: goes afk and comes back

(44:15 / All) Popcorn: fucking
(44:17 / All) Popcorn: tiny
(44:20 / All) Popcorn: i know
(44:21 / All) Popcorn: dg
(44:25 / All) Popcorn: be sure u got banned
(44:28 / All) Popcorn: 100%
(44:44 / Allied) Popcorn: i hope
(44:46 / Allied) Popcorn: 30 days

(about tiny): (44:54 / Allied) garetjx: basically watched bs die and then fountain dived

Then the retard VK abuse me (28:57 / Allied) KeepCalmChiveOn: !votekick nepe

Troll ff (30:06 / Allied) KeepCalmChiveOn: !ff

Re: [DOTA] - Game ruining

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:08 pm
by Yondaime
Banning user for 1 week as he did play some and trolled some by following cancelling 1 tp, also continuously following someone and trying to steal their farm, also afk for one period a max of 3 minutes and then other various occasions.

Ty for posting.

PM me if you have any concerns.
