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[DOTA] Sentinel team refusing to kick.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:28 pm
by johnny_black
Your Warcraft III username: Johnnie_Black@useast
Violator's Warcraft III username: Sentinel team
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #23
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: refusal to kick
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): From beginning, but I first started kick around 22 minutes.
Any further thoughts: Refused to kick after we was refusing to listen to team, going AFK, intentional feeding.

Re: [DOTA] Sentinel team refusing to kick.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:37 pm
by 13oomheadshot
seems to be an obvious throw account. wouldn't be surprised if es was feeding elo to a sentinel player. 25 apm, 0-10-1, and those items...

Re: [DOTA] Sentinel team refusing to kick.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:02 pm
by aRt)Y
@johnny_black Please specify who did what since "Team Sentinel" only applies to the refusal of votekick, I guess.

Re: [DOTA] Sentinel team refusing to kick.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:25 pm
by child

no one will be banned for refusing to kick. There must be at least two attempts, usually i only accept three, in which people failed to vote. Also the situation must be explained at least briefly in all chat.

Also I looked and couldn't find any evidence of arranged throwing / feeding.

However, carmon@europe banned 10 days for int feeding / throwing / trolling obvious as hell from his first death

thanks for reporting