[Dota] random.ksking
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:08 pm
Violator's Warcraft III username: random.ksking
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #84
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/3920377/
Rule player violated: Refuse play, refuse votekick
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer):
(13:53 / Allied) Random.Ksking: k then am stay here so it ends
1. votekick
(14:47 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
No response from everyone expect alma-negra.
2. votekick
17:17 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
Only Alma-negra, amelioration, ipok yes it..
(19:47 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
Bund1e0fSticks,Alma-negra, amelioration, ipok yes it..
So pls ban as well: Clinkz.Eastwood, Aruxon, god_beyondlike for not votekick ruiner
Any further thoughts:
DK got pwned and decided to go afk, wont play.. still response on chat... so i wanted to votekick him.. tryed few times with exaplaining the situation and asking why wont kick.. still no response and scrouge wont kick ruiner .. pls ban those who did not votekick dk.. i explained situation many times, but stats whores like scourge wont kick ruiner cuz they wanna hunt better score ...
+ he was sure about not getting ban so pls make sure he wont play for a long time
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #84
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/3920377/
Rule player violated: Refuse play, refuse votekick
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer):
(13:53 / Allied) Random.Ksking: k then am stay here so it ends
1. votekick
(14:47 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
No response from everyone expect alma-negra.
2. votekick
17:17 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
Only Alma-negra, amelioration, ipok yes it..
(19:47 / All) Amelioration: A votekick against player [Random.Ksking] has been started by player [The_Kid].
Bund1e0fSticks,Alma-negra, amelioration, ipok yes it..
So pls ban as well: Clinkz.Eastwood, Aruxon, god_beyondlike for not votekick ruiner
Any further thoughts:
DK got pwned and decided to go afk, wont play.. still response on chat... so i wanted to votekick him.. tryed few times with exaplaining the situation and asking why wont kick.. still no response and scrouge wont kick ruiner .. pls ban those who did not votekick dk.. i explained situation many times, but stats whores like scourge wont kick ruiner cuz they wanna hunt better score ...
+ he was sure about not getting ban so pls make sure he wont play for a long time