[Dota] dota.god.just@us.west Intentional Feed

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[Dota] dota.god.just@us.west Intentional Feed

Postby rzr.Armada » Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:28 am

Your Warcraft III username: YOLO_SWAG_420@west
Violator's Warcraft III username: dota.god.just@us.west
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #31
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=3944220
Rule player violated: Intentional feed
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Times according to replay timer
11:20 naix just got ganked by 3 and necrolyte walks into them 10 seconds later by himself and just walks around to feed. no other teammates are in the area so he has no reason to think he has a chance against 3.
27:15 necrolyte solo tps on bottom tower into 3 and runs around to feed. again, no other teammates are near and he has no reason for this action other than to intentional feed

Any further thoughts: he plays really badly throughout the game and blames others, but such blatant intentional feeding is just ridiculous. ill leave it up to the mods to decide whether or not this kid was intentional throwing or just extremely bad.
dota.god.just throw.w3g
dota.god.just intentional feed
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Re: [Dota] dota.god.just@us.west Intentional Feed

Postby irocthls » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:53 am

getting ganked and intentional feed are 2 different things.. i say unexperienced player nothing more.. others care to elaborate? min 9:17 in game he went to help bot and got ganked.. i wouldnt call intentional feed. min 11:00 owned sniper .. i wouldnt call him feeding.. naix was complaining about feeding from early.. even about sa... from watching the whole game.. you guys just had a bad game and were blaming everyone specially blue for the loss.. i dont think he fed at all..just my 2 cents.


Re: [Dota] dota.god.just@us.west Intentional Feed

Postby child » Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:02 pm

irocthls wrote:getting ganked and intentional feed are 2 different things.. i say unexperienced player nothing more.. others care to elaborate? min 9:17 in game he went to help bot and got ganked.. i wouldnt call intentional feed. min 11:00 owned sniper .. i wouldnt call him feeding.. naix was complaining about feeding from early.. even about sa... from watching the whole game.. you guys just had a bad game and were blaming everyone specially blue for the loss.. i dont think he fed at all..just my 2 cents.

I think ur right about him not feeding. However, instead of defending the rax (he was alive and perfectly capable of defending with the rest of the team) he chooses to sit in fountain and not def
dota.god.just banned 2 days for refusal to def

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Re: [Dota] dota.god.just@us.west Intentional Feed

Postby rzr.Armada » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:40 pm

you guys are right, its probably not intentional feed.

In my mind when i see other players do something incredibly stupid, i give them the benefit of the doubt they cant possibly be that retarded. so they must be doing it on purpose, but i guess in most cases they really are that bad lol.

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