Your Warcraft III username: FirstFrost@useast
Violator's Warcraft III username: ifyoumercusuck@useast
Game name or map name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #52
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: VK abuse
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): (23:27 / Allied) IfYouMercUSuck: !votekick z52
(25:47 / Allied) IfYouMercUSuck: !votekick z52
(27:26 / Allied) IfYouMercUSuck: !votekick z52
(27:29 / Allied) sexzoo: !votekick z52001
(34:10 / Allied) IfYouMercUSuck: !votekick z52
Any further thoughts: If you read chat red bullied blue for not doing his exact strategy with the threat of a possible ban, I feel and maybe I am alone here that this happens sometimes. Maybe a rule on bullying? Because it is a thing. Not a ban but a warning maybe? I have seen it a lot. "Do this or its a ban!" or "My ally is game ruin vote or YOU WILL GET BAN!"- When that is not the case. Just a thought? Doesn't have to be search and destroy and another chore for mods but if you replay a game and see someone bullying players who are learning/new to ENT with ban threats to get them to achieve what they want, that are not true maybe should have some sort of consequence. The site gives out 1000$ prize money from what i would guess is from advertising and donations. Sorry to say but those hits and donations aren't coming from Uaf/Art/Agree they are coming from new players and the "middle class" -lets call it. Why not pay attention to em?
[LTD] ifyoumercusuck@useast
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