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Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:21 pm
by pointlessfork
Your Warcraft III username: pointlessfork
Violator's Warcraft III username: blackenvyx
Game name or map name: Island Defense
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: Maphack
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): around 5 min mark
Any further thoughts: Okay, So I started to wall the eurobase, right? and then i worried that someone will die and that it will be revealed, so i moved. Then again, I moved bases a third time after I started to wall, because I knew someone would die, so I waited for them to die, and then I started to wall, and set up the base, BUT the titan comes straight to the base I was making, instead of the previous 2 that I had walled. Then i tell him he maphacks, and he says that him killing a builder revealed my base, even though i CLEARLY waited for everyone to die. Also, you can see that before he heads over to my last base, he was about to go to my lumber base, but quickly changed directions once he saw I was basing on his maphack.

Re: [ID]

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:44 am
by ProfessorOak
6:00 - 7:00 Titan moves down from the mound in middle and then changes direction to pointlessfork's base with no prior vision

[spoiler=](07:45 / All) pointlessfork: how did you know to come straight here
(07:46 / Allied) Legit158: ?
(07:50 / Allied) ReLaMoLv: its just us left
(07:51 / All) BlackEnvyX: killed someone
(07:54 / All) pointlessfork: LOL
(07:54 / Allied) Legit158: we lost.
(07:55 / All) pointlessfork: LOL
(07:56 / All) BlackEnvyX: your walls appeared[/spoiler]

No vision of the base

[spoiler=](10:46 / All) BlackEnvyX: and actually I gtg, do you have a base?
(10:51 / All) Legit158: maybe
(10:51 / All) BlackEnvyX: I'll sui to you[/spoiler]

Buys first pearl after this and pearls near dryads base to sui

Re: [ID]

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:38 am
by aRt)Y
4:30 uses ww to follow radi and demo (didnt see demo before) and waits for him to return at the corner for killing him.
Goes 6:30 bot right to kill the new base.

In my opinion, 6:30 enough for ban. Waiting for second mod.

(Clicks on stage towers seem all bugged).

Re: [ID]

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:10 am
by Virulence
Maphack confirmed at 6:18-6:30 via X,Y coordinate orders.
6:17 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 3469.78, Y: -3665.52, flags: 0x0000)
6:17 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 5961.55, Y: -4744.31, flags: 0x0000)
6:18 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6014.24, Y: -5026.46, flags: 0x0000)
6:32 <BlackEnvyX> 0x10: Immediate order: spiritwolf (flags: 0x0064)
6:33 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6091.86, Y: -5012.74, flags: 0x0000)
6:33 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6091.86, Y: -5012.74, flags: 0x0000)
6:34 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6091.86, Y: -5012.74, flags: 0x0000)
6:34 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6105.37, Y: -5066.46, flags: 0x0000)
6:34 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6118.49, Y: -5099.66, flags: 0x0000)
6:35 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6223.96, Y: -5117.21, flags: 0x0000)
6:36 <BlackEnvyX> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: 6382.99, Y: -5027.26, flags: 0x0000)

Re: [ID]

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:47 pm
by Stealer
Banning blackenvyx@west.