BirdMan wrote:Your Warcraft III username: iplay4fun
Violator's Warcraft III username: kiti1221 , methuselah , ampen
Game name or map name: [ent] legion td 3.5 beta #82
Stats page link: not updated yet
Rule player violated: kiti sold units , ampen and methuselah refused to votekick.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): round 6-7
Any further thoughts: very poor sportsmanship , especially for players who have high elo and thus are ent regulars.
Confirm with 30 seconds left to L6 - user "Kiti1221" sold towers (bar 1) to get 7-3.
Green then kicks off a votekick (using "Afk" reason); once the team see what is happening.
L6: On the other side - they have seen near on all round leak from that side. Further units appeared damaged during the round; so they can be excused from that round expectation.
L7; Yellow now sells last raiser, effectively having no units.
Blue votes to kick after clarification that he sold units. Teal (ampen) declines. Votekick times runs out and 7 plays out.
So teal the west team is aware & can see massive leaks coming through; though Ampen states "I don't care.."
Methuselah states 900 games no ban; need to change that statistic
Bear in mind West is playing for 1.45 elo here.............
L8; Orange leaves game to report.
L9: Red now starts the votekick - purple votes too - again it expires.
It does continue; but there is more than enough evidence here.
So that was a trainwreck of a game!
Blue is excused as he voted every time for kicking.
Purple -Bloodymind- while not saying much; voted L9; but did not vote the other 2 times - proposed 24 hour ban
Red -Methuselah- , Teal -Ampen- actively knew yellow was not there and declined to kick; even stating "they do not care" etc. Propose 3-5 day ban to re-state the need to play fair in games. (talking about 1 elo here). They did votekick later after Oj had left; but kind of closing the barn door, after the horse has bolted. (would have been a 2v4 "officially" then)
Yellow -Kiti1221- looks like an attempt at yolo - failed and then disappeared. Propose 3 day ban for ruining the game.