[LTD] prunkl@uswest
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:39 pm
Game link (if known):
Game name: [ent] legion td mega #
Your Warcraft III username: ragequit
Violator's Warcraft III username: prunkl
Rule player violated: he said : cross? i said : no. then he said: ok, i go afk.
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time): level 1
Any further thoughts:
Game name: [ent] legion td mega #
Your Warcraft III username: ragequit
Violator's Warcraft III username: prunkl
Rule player violated: he said : cross? i said : no. then he said: ok, i go afk.
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time): level 1
Any further thoughts: