[DOTA] nicofr and mayofr@europe statboosting
Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:40 pm
Game link (if known): https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/4278800/
Game name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #68
Your Warcraft III username: Fangorn
Violator's Warcraft III username:
nicofr@europe - statboosting with their mate
mayofr@europe - statboosting with their mate
opoij@europe - intentionally feeding his mates mayofr and nicofr
Here is the proof that these three turds are mates:
Excerpt from the chat in the game:
(00:05 / Allied) opoij: au fait nico
(00:49 / Allied) opoij: c etait moi le spectre mid qd t as play storm
(00:53 / Allied) NicoFr: je sais
(00:54 / Allied) opoij: lol ^^
Another one:
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time):
I took note of alot of strange moves from opoij, this is ingame time. SF walks straight to feed the enemy team.
04:00 - SF suicides
05:35 - watch SF's movements; nicofr told him he was coming, so he moved closer to the tower BEFORE nicofr was in range. Obvious statboosting
08:10 - SF suicides
09:00 - SF suicides
10:50 - SF suicides
12:05 - SF suicides
13:20 - SF suicides
16:30 - SF suicides
18:30 - SF just autoattacking midlane during teamfight
23:40 - SF suicides
26:30 - SF farms during fights
34:30 - Proof of that SF is NOT a newbeginner as he claimed before. He tries to snatch the aegis, unsuccessfully. A "newbeginner" wouldn't try to do that.
Each time I initiate a votekick, mayofr immediately unpauses the game, while not typing !yes. Nicofr doesn't type !yes either, despite him witnessing SF feeding firsthand.
To sum it up;
The three frenchies are mates, one goes on to the other team and intentionally feed. His mates refuse to tpye !yes = statboosting. They also unpause the game without any reason.
Further thoughts:
Don't forget to have a look at this topic:
nicofr and mayofr bandodge
Game name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #68
Your Warcraft III username: Fangorn
Violator's Warcraft III username:
nicofr@europe - statboosting with their mate
mayofr@europe - statboosting with their mate
opoij@europe - intentionally feeding his mates mayofr and nicofr
Here is the proof that these three turds are mates:
Excerpt from the chat in the game:
(00:05 / Allied) opoij: au fait nico
(00:49 / Allied) opoij: c etait moi le spectre mid qd t as play storm
(00:53 / Allied) NicoFr: je sais
(00:54 / Allied) opoij: lol ^^
Another one:
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time):
I took note of alot of strange moves from opoij, this is ingame time. SF walks straight to feed the enemy team.
04:00 - SF suicides
05:35 - watch SF's movements; nicofr told him he was coming, so he moved closer to the tower BEFORE nicofr was in range. Obvious statboosting
08:10 - SF suicides
09:00 - SF suicides
10:50 - SF suicides
12:05 - SF suicides
13:20 - SF suicides
16:30 - SF suicides
18:30 - SF just autoattacking midlane during teamfight
23:40 - SF suicides
26:30 - SF farms during fights
34:30 - Proof of that SF is NOT a newbeginner as he claimed before. He tries to snatch the aegis, unsuccessfully. A "newbeginner" wouldn't try to do that.
Each time I initiate a votekick, mayofr immediately unpauses the game, while not typing !yes. Nicofr doesn't type !yes either, despite him witnessing SF feeding firsthand.
To sum it up;
The three frenchies are mates, one goes on to the other team and intentionally feed. His mates refuse to tpye !yes = statboosting. They also unpause the game without any reason.
Further thoughts:
Don't forget to have a look at this topic:
nicofr and mayofr bandodge