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Possible cheat during [ent] Battleships Pro 5v5 #20

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:13 pm
by Daci-Wild
I just played a game([ent] Battleships Pro 5v5 #20) in which a player named OnePiece was the trader on the south team. All of the sudden all of the other players on the south team left and the player that was trading for them had lotsa gold to buy weapons with. Soon after he was in A juggernaut(large 5k ship). I think there may have been some foul play. The whole game only lasted 8.5 minutes. I hit save during the game, but do not know how to retrieve it. Please help me assure that there was no foul play. Thank you Daci-Wild

Re: Possible cheat during [ent] Battleships Pro 5v5 #20

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:24 pm
by getstomped

game in question


The link below guides you through finding and uploading replays.

Though in this instance, the link i provided from the ENT stats page does have the replay attached to it.

Re: Possible cheat during [ent] Battleships Pro 5v5 #20

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:31 pm
by Hutzu
@daci-wild You needed to post it here: viewforum.php?f=8

Complaint-section is for other stuff. Wait until a forum-mod or admin moves it there.

About saving game and not being able to find it:
Saving the game is very useless. Its sole purpose is to LOAD the game again to that moment of time it was saved, if the map is rehosted and the same players need to be present. It does NOT save the replay. Any last replay is saved as "LastReplay" in your replay-folder in the warcraft3-folder
(For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft3\Replays or whereever you installed it to).
But if nothing is wrong with our servers, then we are saving the replay anyway.

Re: Possible cheat during [ent] Battleships Pro 5v5 #20

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:00 am
by Stealer
@Daci-Wild while the one game is fairly suspicious its too much speculation especially since there doesn't appear to be any other games where his team/majority just drops.
