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[DOTA] No Votekick

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:26 pm
by SkiLLOveRLuCk
Game link (if known): [ENT] DotA ap euro #6
Game name: [ENT] DotA ap euro #6
Your Warcraft III username: SkiLLOveRLuCk
Violator's Warcraft III username: Moopz &Schnapfen
Rule player violated: Votekick
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time): n/a
Any further thoughts: We kicked our teammate for mass lag, due to we were all lagging. Enemy team player keep lagging throughout whole game and they would not kick. I think its rude and unfair to play with a lagger and they couldnt make teams even.

Re: [DOTA] No Votekick

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:38 pm
by nabo.
Vking has nothing to do with making game even. You dont use technical means to make the game "fair".

I wont ban people for trying to wait out the lag and give a chance to a teammate or enemy to stabilize his internet. If the person disconnects, they will kick the player eventually.