[DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

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[DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

Postby Raiyne » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:02 pm

Game Name: [ent] dota arem us/ca #89
Your Warcraft III Username: Raiyne@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hash.brooklyn@uswest.battle.net, hash.brooklyn@uswest.battle.net, mystyle#useast.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Votekick Violation - Mystyle, Game ruining Hash.brooklyn, trolling.
[b]Time of Violation : 10/23/2014 - Vk at 10:3 for absolutely no reason. Also tells team to kill luna (me) top at 11:01 at 12:49 tells Hash "Come, rape bara" (who is on our team Allahu-ackbar) at 12:57 Banehallow (hash.brooklyn) sleeps Bara(allahu-ackbar) because he got credit for killing the tower. Additionally, for no apparent reason Hash.brooklyn sleeps huskar several times in an attempt to cause him to die, it starts at 14:35 and continues for the rest of the game till the opponent forfeits.
[b]Any further thoughts:
Final thoughts, these individuals are the epitomy of game ruiners. They played to harass their allies for no reason. They didn't get a creep kill, tower kill, died, etc...
On further note Mystyle stated if either of them were ban they would contact nabu to have the ban lifted.

Additionally, during pre-game chat on [ent] dota arem us/ca #14 at 6:50(ish) 10/23/2014 the same two individuals implied that they had been banned before for their behavior after nabu. came into the game and told them they would talk later, Hash " Why did you say something in game Nabu can get in trouble."
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Last edited by Raiyne on Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

Postby Undef » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:08 pm

mystyle stated in game : just ask anbo hell unban instantly. Please stop saying this shit nabo doesnt just unban unless u know what u did wrong. Other admin shud reject his appeal unless he asks sincerely. Mystyle is nothing but a member of high doesnt mean he gets free unban , well pretty sure nabo will talk to u about this anyway the way u shud behave

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Re: [DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

Postby Raiyne » Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:31 am

There a specific reason this hasn't been responded to by an admin?

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Re: [DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

Postby Raiyne » Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:04 pm

Well, I guess this is proof that ENT won't do anything to people that are buddy buddy with admins. Been a week, 70 views. And they haven't touched this thread. THey know about it, but clearly haven't done anything.

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Re: [DOTA] mystyle@useast.battle.net+ 1

Postby I3omb » Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:12 am

!denied for the votekick, nobody bother to even !yes and unless the votekick passed or was done many times then and only then will a ban be issued.


Hash.Brooklyn banned for 5 days for using his skills maliciously multiple times

Note I do not care if it is 5v3, using skills against your allies to possible kill them is against rules

Any comments pm me

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