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Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:28 am
by pwnd.lazy
Replay Link:
Game Name: LoD
Your Warcraft III Username: lazy
Violator's Warcraft III Username: John_93
Violated Rule(s): flaming, gameruin, vk abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:

(00:13 / Allied) Remes: me mid
(00:15 / All) pwnd.lazy: -reroll
(00:23 / Allied) John_93: stfu
(00:25 / Allied) John_93: me mid
(00:30 / Allied) Remes: ok rambo
(00:31 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: STFU
(00:33 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: ME MID

so blue had all the rights to go mid, but didnt, so somebody suggested a roll:

(06:38 / Allied) Coffee: roll for it
(06:39 / Allied) John_93: purple gtfo
(06:41 / Allied) John_93: trash
(06:42 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: !roll
(06:42 / All) JoKur: Random result: 4 (from 0 to 5).
(06:45 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: 4

...[cmt] he never ever rolled

(07:10 / All) JoKur: Player [John_93] voted to kick player [pwnd.lazy].

(07:31 / All) pwnd.lazy: roll
(07:33 / All) pwnd.lazy: or i stay
(09:19 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: we roll highest stays


(09:38 / Allied) pwnd.lazy: !votekick john


(10:43 / Allied) John_93: !votekick pwnd
(10:43 / All) JoKur: A votekick against player [pwnd.lazy] has been

the rest of the game he basically crys about mid and barely plays.

Re: John_93

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:32 am
by matdas
banned 4 days.
Flaming, vk block
Game ruining: going to solo lane because the player had lower elo. Then making up rules about higher elo solo's to get the person who was there first (After blue let him) to leave the lane. Thus causes under leveling.