[DOTA] beparaniod@useast

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[DOTA] beparaniod@useast

Postby shamanpowers » Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:29 am

Replay Link: http://replay.garena.ro/view_replay.php ... 195857.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #97
Your Warcraft III Username: scron2@useast
Violator's Warcraft III Username: beparaniod@useast
Violated Rule(s): Afk grief, first 12 mins of game potm is level 2. After that -- potm intentionally feeds by not ulting to save when ult is available and called for.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): First 12 mins game, periodic afking at or behind fountain after that. 21:33 no ult, 23:52 an arrow was probably available to stop chasing heros catch silencer.
Any further thoughts: beparaniod@useast didn't play this game seriously enough for us to have a chance, I spotted a rune for pudge to get and potm leaps ahead and takes it hindering our teams chances at a win.
(20:43 / Allied) venom_909: potm leaps to take
This player intentionally ruined our chances for a fair game, and we almost had the upper hand but all of these small game-ruining instances of not saving others and taking away our ability to gank lost us the game, please ban this kid for a long long time as it is very obvious what his intentions were.

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Re: [DOTA] beparaniod@useast

Postby nabo. » Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:28 pm


Pulling top lane against an axe, isnt very good. You could have killed axe with lb. Axe was down to 25% hp. Axe is a strong early game hero compared to his mid and late phase potential. Ganking axe and minimizing tower loss was the best strategy. You guys even had an sb. Anyway, wrong game decisions and ineffective communication early game.

Yes, mirana should have let pudge take the invis at 20min since kinda useless on her, but this instance is not enough to warrant a ban. Small dramas and communication problems aint something I should talk about.

You are misusing votekick. Votekick is to kick rule breakers who ruin the game. Mirana didnt really break any rule.

Once blue disconnected, you guys had the upper hand and were having a comeback. You guys should have ganked better as five. Team coordination was bad because no one actually lead the team. Should have used invis, silence, and cloud more effectively. You guys were running while global silence was on half the time...=greatest reason for fail team battles.

I watched 0-30min of the game. Dont think I need to watch any further.

Clan High@useast

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