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[LTD] Enthostdemerde@europe - anti abuse

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:54 pm
by Grindhouse
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD 3.5 Beta #24
Your Warcraft III Username: Grindhouse@useast
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Enthostdemerde@europe
Violated Rule(s): Anti-Stuck Abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 24:18 yellow noticed same time I did, west legion did back to back anti stuck on my wisps because we crossed.
Any further thoughts: I'm requesting a 7 day ban because he said "Thx" after being told it was a reason to ban, also he did it 3 more times back to back immediately after being told starting on the 26th minute ending on the 28th minute.

Re: [LTD] Enthostdemerde@europe - anti abuse

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:14 pm
by Flutterdash
AS Confirmed after the arena battle, and again through the game from this point.

Re: [LTD] Enthostdemerde@europe - anti abuse

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:40 am
by F-Train
Approved! <matbg59> also banned.

Code: Select all

23:54 <Enthostdemerde> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 4310.04, Y: 5512.50, flags: 0x0040)
23:59 <matbg59> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2517.42, Y: 5522.63, flags: 0x0040)
24:03 <Enthostdemerde> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2281.79, Y: 5465.55, flags: 0x0040)
24:11 <Enthostdemerde> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2314.26, Y: 1907.14, flags: 0x0040)
24:12 <matbg59> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2693.38, Y: 5509.31, flags: 0x0040)
24:44 <matbg59> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2386.02, Y: 5544.32, flags: 0x0040)
25:49 <Enthostdemerde> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: 2737.58, Y: 1899.84, flags: 0x0040)

Both banned 5 days.