[DOTA] yourm8@useast

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[DOTA] yourm8@useast

Postby shamanpowers » Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:26 am

Replay Link: http://replay.garena.ro/view_replay.php ... 563402.w3g
Game Name: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=4920578 / [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #99
Your Warcraft III Username: scron2@useast
Violator's Warcraft III Username: yourm8@useast
Violated Rule(s): maphack
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 21:04 LC pings on roshan before it is prompted as complete; 28:13 LC is creeping and heads toward orange, orange is out of sight, roughly 1 sec after orange hits windwalk, orange turns back and runs from 3 heros in the fog of war; 29:23 LC normally would hop up the ledge as before and begin creeping (as he did at around ~20:00 as well as before then a few times) but lesh is there with 4 seconds of stun, with no wards or sight he backs up. I buy wards to confirm he has none after that event and he didn't so I began threatening the mh ban if he didn't feed us kills; 31:59 LC blinks where he might know axe and viper to be, this is either 1 of two things, he waits to blink after axe has TPed, which he never saw OR he is feeding us. I can't decide but I'll wager he is in fact mhing considering the threat I made. " scron2: you will feed us 2 times immediately now" & "scron2: or i will submit the mh ban on you" which came before this event where he ganked viper.
Any further thoughts:
As with most mh requests I send in it doesn't surprise me that the wards purchased by the opposing side were 0-0-0-0-0.
And at least one of his allies also agreed that he was hacking in that game as well, a bit of a surprise if you ask me that usually doesn't happen.
(29:39) reasonable: kick the hacker then
The fact that he reacted to an invis ww that might have been in sight during daylight (it was night then I'm pretty sure) was interesting to stumble upon in the replay but only after I start making threats does he begin to really confirm the extent of his cheating when ganking / feeding on the viper blink of whom he blinked directly on. No coincidence at all if you ask me, mh all the way no wards no nothing he was full-on cheating.

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Re: [DOTA] yourm8@useast

Postby Hutzu » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:40 am

Care to check as well? I'm undecided. The provided time-stamps are in-game timers.
21:04 Roshan ping: Meh, people were ss.
28:13 This one is strange. He creeps one spot, moves to next one. At this point I think void is to be seen on mid lane (purp behind him but out of sight). But Viper is approaching in fog. He backs off from the 2nd spot. Here you could think that he fears them pushing mid, so he wants to retreat to base. But he doesn't. For some unknown reason he runs back to the first spot he creeped, where coincidently Viper is, though in windwalk at that moment. So now he backs off again without knowing that anyone is around. Pretty odd.
29:23 Meh. Lesh is nearby, but all are ss anyway. All towers gone except the ones in the base. So it is a risk to go out. This incident becomes important at next incident.
31:59 He runs to Viper and Axe. At that point he has no backup (pink too far away and the rest either dead and waaaaay out of range). Axe uses tp, LC blinks to Viper and kills him. At that point, he knew where blue was (Night Stalker was at bottom lane pushing) and where Viper and Axe were. Void and Lesh were out of sight. But this time he has the courage to blink into fog, unlike the previous incident. Also I cannot judge whether LC would have won vs Viper and Axe in a 2 vs 1 fight. That's mostly why I'm undecided.

Mind stopping to encourage people to feed, so you wouldn't report them? That is silly to say the least.


Re: [DOTA] yourm8@useast

Postby Hatedmaru » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:28 pm

Well after reviewing, there's no legit fogclicks.

21:04 - Not unusual: All 3 lanes were being pushed and only Orange showed top lane, meaning all the other 4 had to be somewhere
28:13 Well it is a bit weird that he finishes that creep spot and on his way to the 2nd, he stops and stays there, but again quite a few were missing and void was mid + morph had pinged just moments ago their secret shop, meaning they were nearby. then when he blinks it's kinda obvious, even morph warns about void incoming. So mostly, low suspicious

29:23 Considering they had attempted to gank him before on woods, i find it safe to stay behind instead of going out (if you look through the replay, u'll notice he has never played "rambo style", he pays attention).

31:59 It is true he runs top with no one else to back him up, still when looking through replay, a few seconds before LC jumps in, a circle of TP is shown nearby him, at the top of the ramp (Axe TP), so when he jumps it's supposed to be 1on1 (Last sight was axe and viper pushing top, bala was bot, and lesh and void were missing).

The rest of the game there's nothing suspicious either.

@shamanpowers Your idea of blackmailing is a bit silly (Feed me and i won't report you for MH), so stop encouraging people to do that.


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