[LTD] Refusing to draw and votekick game ruiner(s)
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:24 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=5048123
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1100+ #37
Your Warcraft III Username: VarSiTy@europe.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
1. cydd-@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
2. trebor@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
3. patti30@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
4. qq_qwe@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
5. einfachnurso@europe.battle.net (MASSIVE game ruining, flaming our teammate, spamming lvl 1 farms for no use, wasting gold, starting unlegit votekick against an enemy to prevent us from kicking him, resuming the game when we pause, saving the game when mobs is at king to prevent heal that may or may not safe us).
8. davit@europe.battle.net (Said he wanted us to LOSE and left the game)
Violated Rule(s):
a) Refusing to draw by enemy team.
b) Refusing to votekick by enemy team.
c) Game ruining by Einfach.
d) Starting votekicks to prevent us from votekicking by Einfach.
e) Resuming game.
f) Pausing/Saving the game to prevent heal, that may or may not save us.
g) Spamming farm, wasting gold making 100+ food than needed.
h) Flaming teammates.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Wave 9 (Davit left)
Any further thoughts:
4. qq_qwe just got unbanned couple hours ago, and he already game ruin / break rules again a few hours later:
- https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=48570
8. Davit:
(01:55 / Allied) Davit: man
(01:58 / Allied) Davit: shut up?
(01:58 / Allied) t4nner_hAll: are you retarded or sth?
(02:04 / Allied) Davit: idiot
(02:04 / Allied) VarSiTy: calm down everyone
(02:04 / Allied) EinfachNurSo: die glauben das nie
(02:08 / Allied) VarSiTy: plz
(02:09 / Allied) VarSiTy: calm down
(02:13 / Allied) Davit: i prefer lose than play with that guy
(02:31 / Allied) VarSiTy: ill report u if u teamkill
(02:36 / Allied) Davit: fucking mother fucker
(02:41 / Allied) VarSiTy: stop now
(02:44 / Allied) cydd-: push wisps after this wave
(02:47 / Allied) Davit: he ope n his mouth
(02:54 / Allied) VarSiTy: STOP
(03:03 / Allied) EinfachNurSo: dino lol
(03:07 / Allied) Davit: i hope we will lose
(24:13 / All) cydd-: Davit lagged out (dropped by vote).
(24:13 / QUIT) Davit: Disconnect
34:10 / All) VarSiTy: !votekick ein
(34:10 / All) cydd-: A votekick against player [EinfachNurSo] has been started by player [VarSiTy]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(34:12 / All) VarSiTy: this guy game ruiner
(34:14 / All) VarSiTy: he made 20 farms
(34:18 / All) VarSiTy: 39/167 food
(34:23 / All) VarSiTy: u must votekick a game ruiner
(34:31 / All) VarSiTy: rules say u must kick game ruiner
(34:32 / All) Patti30: yellow you really did that?
(34:34 / All) VarSiTy: !votekick ein
(34:35 / All) Patti30: how much do you have?
(34:37 / All) VarSiTy: he made hitler sign with farms
(34:38 / All) t4nner_hAll: HE DID
(34:40 / All) VarSiTy: he build 20 farms
(34:42 / All) VarSiTy: 167 food
(34:44 / All) t4nner_hAll: sry for caps
(34:47 / All) VarSiTy: if u refuse to votekick
(34:49 / All) VarSiTy: u will be banned
(35:04 / All) Patti30: !yes
5. Later Einfach started a votekick so we couldnt re-votekick him, and we didnt notice till later:
(35:13 / All) EinfachNurSo: !votekick cyd
(35:13 / All) cydd-: A votekick against player [cydd-] has been started by player [EinfachNurSo]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(35:13 / All) cydd-: Type !yes to vote.
(35:13 / All) cydd-: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(35:13 / All) VarSiTy: Or we banned
(35:15 / All) VarSiTy: !yes
(35:15 / All) cydd-: Player [VarSiTy] voted to kick player [cydd-]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(35:19 / All) VarSiTy: votekick ein
(35:22 / Allied) cydd-: !yes
(35:24 / Allied) VarSiTy: !votekick einfach
(35:25 / All) Patti30: !yes
(35:25 / All) cydd-: Player [Patti30] voted to kick player [cydd-]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(35:28 / Allied) cydd-: lol
(35:29 / All) VarSiTy: u votekicked wrong player
(35:29 / Allied) Trebor: !yes
more votes are needed to pass.
(35:29 / All) Patti30: oh
(35:30 / All) Patti30: shit
(35:35 / All) VarSiTy: dont kick cydd
(35:36 / All) VarSiTy: its einfach
(35:38 / All) Patti30: who made that kick?
(35:49 / All) t4nner_hAll: einfach did
(35:53 / All) VarSiTy: fking einfach
(36:43 / All) EinfachNurSo: i dont ruin
(36:45 / All) EinfachNurSo: whats wrong
(37:46 / All) cydd-: Player [EinfachNurSo] is saving the game.
(37:46 / Saving game ?) EinfachNurSo: Save game.
(37:51 / All) Patti30: just report him
(37:51 / All) VarSiTy: ill report this game
So, early game Einfach made Davit rage wanting us to lose and later made him leave, later on Einfach game ruined and enemy team refused to votekick or draw. Un-pausing the game every time we did pause the game.
Is this supposed to be a pro league? .... I guess not ....
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1100+ #37
Your Warcraft III Username: VarSiTy@europe.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
1. cydd-@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
2. trebor@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
3. patti30@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
4. qq_qwe@europe.battle.net (refused to votekick a game ruiner, and un-paused the game, so he could win a 2v6 game)
5. einfachnurso@europe.battle.net (MASSIVE game ruining, flaming our teammate, spamming lvl 1 farms for no use, wasting gold, starting unlegit votekick against an enemy to prevent us from kicking him, resuming the game when we pause, saving the game when mobs is at king to prevent heal that may or may not safe us).
8. davit@europe.battle.net (Said he wanted us to LOSE and left the game)
Violated Rule(s):
a) Refusing to draw by enemy team.
b) Refusing to votekick by enemy team.
c) Game ruining by Einfach.
d) Starting votekicks to prevent us from votekicking by Einfach.
e) Resuming game.
f) Pausing/Saving the game to prevent heal, that may or may not save us.
g) Spamming farm, wasting gold making 100+ food than needed.
h) Flaming teammates.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Wave 9 (Davit left)
Any further thoughts:
4. qq_qwe just got unbanned couple hours ago, and he already game ruin / break rules again a few hours later:
- https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=48570
8. Davit:
(01:55 / Allied) Davit: man
(01:58 / Allied) Davit: shut up?
(01:58 / Allied) t4nner_hAll: are you retarded or sth?
(02:04 / Allied) Davit: idiot
(02:04 / Allied) VarSiTy: calm down everyone
(02:04 / Allied) EinfachNurSo: die glauben das nie
(02:08 / Allied) VarSiTy: plz
(02:09 / Allied) VarSiTy: calm down
(02:13 / Allied) Davit: i prefer lose than play with that guy
(02:31 / Allied) VarSiTy: ill report u if u teamkill
(02:36 / Allied) Davit: fucking mother fucker
(02:41 / Allied) VarSiTy: stop now
(02:44 / Allied) cydd-: push wisps after this wave
(02:47 / Allied) Davit: he ope n his mouth
(02:54 / Allied) VarSiTy: STOP
(03:03 / Allied) EinfachNurSo: dino lol
(03:07 / Allied) Davit: i hope we will lose
(24:13 / All) cydd-: Davit lagged out (dropped by vote).
(24:13 / QUIT) Davit: Disconnect
34:10 / All) VarSiTy: !votekick ein
(34:10 / All) cydd-: A votekick against player [EinfachNurSo] has been started by player [VarSiTy]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(34:12 / All) VarSiTy: this guy game ruiner
(34:14 / All) VarSiTy: he made 20 farms
(34:18 / All) VarSiTy: 39/167 food
(34:23 / All) VarSiTy: u must votekick a game ruiner
(34:31 / All) VarSiTy: rules say u must kick game ruiner
(34:32 / All) Patti30: yellow you really did that?
(34:34 / All) VarSiTy: !votekick ein
(34:35 / All) Patti30: how much do you have?
(34:37 / All) VarSiTy: he made hitler sign with farms
(34:38 / All) t4nner_hAll: HE DID
(34:40 / All) VarSiTy: he build 20 farms
(34:42 / All) VarSiTy: 167 food
(34:44 / All) t4nner_hAll: sry for caps
(34:47 / All) VarSiTy: if u refuse to votekick
(34:49 / All) VarSiTy: u will be banned
(35:04 / All) Patti30: !yes
5. Later Einfach started a votekick so we couldnt re-votekick him, and we didnt notice till later:
(35:13 / All) EinfachNurSo: !votekick cyd
(35:13 / All) cydd-: A votekick against player [cydd-] has been started by player [EinfachNurSo]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(35:13 / All) cydd-: Type !yes to vote.
(35:13 / All) cydd-: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(35:13 / All) VarSiTy: Or we banned
(35:15 / All) VarSiTy: !yes
(35:15 / All) cydd-: Player [VarSiTy] voted to kick player [cydd-]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(35:19 / All) VarSiTy: votekick ein
(35:22 / Allied) cydd-: !yes
(35:24 / Allied) VarSiTy: !votekick einfach
(35:25 / All) Patti30: !yes
(35:25 / All) cydd-: Player [Patti30] voted to kick player [cydd-]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(35:28 / Allied) cydd-: lol
(35:29 / All) VarSiTy: u votekicked wrong player
(35:29 / Allied) Trebor: !yes
more votes are needed to pass.
(35:29 / All) Patti30: oh
(35:30 / All) Patti30: shit
(35:35 / All) VarSiTy: dont kick cydd
(35:36 / All) VarSiTy: its einfach
(35:38 / All) Patti30: who made that kick?
(35:49 / All) t4nner_hAll: einfach did
(35:53 / All) VarSiTy: fking einfach
(36:43 / All) EinfachNurSo: i dont ruin
(36:45 / All) EinfachNurSo: whats wrong
(37:46 / All) cydd-: Player [EinfachNurSo] is saving the game.
(37:46 / Saving game ?) EinfachNurSo: Save game.
(37:51 / All) Patti30: just report him
(37:51 / All) VarSiTy: ill report this game
So, early game Einfach made Davit rage wanting us to lose and later made him leave, later on Einfach game ruined and enemy team refused to votekick or draw. Un-pausing the game every time we did pause the game.
Is this supposed to be a pro league? .... I guess not ....