Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA LoD -sdems6bod2 #31
Your Warcraft III Username: Jiminy_Cricket
Violator's Warcraft III Username: imsogudd; get.reftaeld
Violated Rule(s): mh
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
242 game time razor shoots perfect arrow into the fog and nails dk. He then backs from trees as dk charges his ally.
415 bris was going to gank bot but sees hes got an invis hero and hero at tower. Wouldn't you at least look closer if you wanted to gank?
455 bris trys to stun a charging dk in the middle of a foggy forest.
630 bris stops another charge from fog.
724 he knows hes charged again and blinks away since hes low on health and mana.
939 he blocks another charge from dk. he knows hes charging the entire game.
1135 he makes a b line to blue farming at creep spot. no checking the spots in between like theres a chance a hero is farming there. direcly to blue, ready to stun.
1745 bris makes a b line to the two chargers.
1825 bris sees blue with very low life who is invis and not in any sight head back up the hill so he heads back up the hill.
Any further thoughts: imsogudd is like this in every game I've played with him. He's impossible to gank and he knows where all heroes are at all times.
Moderator: ENT Staff
- Jiminy_Cricket
- Poison Treant
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Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- Jiminy_Cricket
- Poison Treant
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
watching another replay of him and again he knows when someone is charging his teamate. Instead of pushing the tower he just waits around the invis hero and hits the charger when it comes. 730 game time
830 game time watch his chase on nerub. blinks over in exact pathing then goes to shop. There is no looking around to see if nerub went that way. He just shops then talks shit to everyone cause everyone knows hes a hacker then heads direcly to nerubs creeping spot. There is no looking around for this kid. He sees the map.
1025 he waits for invis huskar to gank his teamate. and starts hitting. Every game you watch of his he sees all the heroes.
830 game time watch his chase on nerub. blinks over in exact pathing then goes to shop. There is no looking around to see if nerub went that way. He just shops then talks shit to everyone cause everyone knows hes a hacker then heads direcly to nerubs creeping spot. There is no looking around for this kid. He sees the map.
1025 he waits for invis huskar to gank his teamate. and starts hitting. Every game you watch of his he sees all the heroes.
Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- Jiminy_Cricket
- Poison Treant
- Posts: 1022
- Joined: Sat May 31, 2014 11:50 pm
- Location: Montana
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD]; ... 100894.w3g
watch this replay at 10 mins game time for mh. btw he wanted to votekick abuse blue so he could have his treads at 9 mins game time. It almost passed one vote short.
at ten mins game time purple pings the mines. yellow tells him to shhh cause he dont need his help locating anything invis. yellow then takes his two images and runs over both sets of mines.
1630 he cronos the invis grey then after he blinks on invis grey and calls.
1747 he again calls grey who is invis.
2025 he again calls grey who is invis.
2033 he then follows harby in fog and blinks and calls even though his team just wants to rosh.
2230 again a perfect fog blink onto mirana for a call.
watch this replay at 10 mins game time for mh. btw he wanted to votekick abuse blue so he could have his treads at 9 mins game time. It almost passed one vote short.
at ten mins game time purple pings the mines. yellow tells him to shhh cause he dont need his help locating anything invis. yellow then takes his two images and runs over both sets of mines.
1630 he cronos the invis grey then after he blinks on invis grey and calls.
1747 he again calls grey who is invis.
2025 he again calls grey who is invis.
2033 he then follows harby in fog and blinks and calls even though his team just wants to rosh.
2230 again a perfect fog blink onto mirana for a call.
Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- Resource Storage
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:43 am
Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
get at me dawg, im too gud
me and my team win deze ent dota tournes 5 times in row so dey stop hosting
me and my team win deze ent dota tournes 5 times in row so dey stop hosting
- Resource Storage
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:43 am
Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
- Tedro32
- Treant Protector
- Posts: 670
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
reviewing @ilovegabby this is a ban request section, please abstain from making unnecessary replys.
- Resource Storage
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:43 am
Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
@tedro32 it's not my fault that not everyones at the same skill level D:
- Jiminy_Cricket
- Poison Treant
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
Off topic:
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
Av1oN: Announcing the official ban of jiminy_cricket
Av1oN: From all LoD bots
Av1oN: for 1 year
HazarDous: rofl
Sat: wtf
HazarDous: he would turn crazy
Sat: tats like banning batman from gotham
HazarDous: XD
Av1oN: so who's making the brq
- Tedro32
- Treant Protector
- Posts: 670
- Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:22 am
- Has thanked: 7 times
- Been thanked: 9 times
Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
242 game time razor shoots perfect arrow into the fog and nails dk. He then backs from trees as dk charges his ally.
This arrow is a simple fact of a proof he has experience, since you went kept going right side its obvious he would shoot arrow.
415 bris was going to gank bot but sees hes got an invis hero and hero at tower.
Wouldn't you at least look closer if you wanted to gank?
Same as last one, he was watching after you.
455 bris trys to stun a charging dk in the middle of a foggy forest.
Check replay, when bris warn his allies an enemy was getting closer. Razor throws an arrow where you can pick items. Still its just skills.
630 bris stops another charge from fog.
He knew an enemy was heading that way.
724 he knows hes charged again and blinks away since hes low on health and mana.
His health was at 75% and both enemy heroes were dead, then he blinks out.
939 he blocks another charge from dk. he knows hes charging the entire game.
I saw Razor throwing arrow but didnt hit dk, eventhough he knew dk was heading that way.
Later Bris tp and was going after him, so after he killed abadon, he made a blink and start stuning for the kill.
1135 he makes a b line to blue farming at creep spot. no checking the spots in between like theres a chance a hero is farming there. direcly to blue, ready to stun.
Irrelevant since he wasnt alone and his allies were aware of you and dk being around.
still he could kill blue so why he wouldnt head that way.
1745 bris makes a b line to the two chargers.
1825 bris sees blue with very low life who is invis and not in any sight head back up the hill so he heads back up the hill.
Brown (bris) had sight of blue hero and truesight. So why he wouldnt kill him.
I am waiting for a second opinion from a second moderator.
Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
@Jiminy_Cricket refrain from doing these type of comments: Post valuable information on the topic if you wish. If you keep doing it, next times won't be a warning. Thanks
May this fit for others who post as well: Keep it clean and on topic, thanks
May this fit for others who post as well: Keep it clean and on topic, thanks
- Protector of Nature
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
Game time
2:34-2:35 dk can be seen using a clarity potion and heading toward bot lane
2:38 brown pings that dk, teal is heading bot for his team, this ping is followed by a series of pings by brown that dk will get bot river rune
2:40 dk finally reaches the edge of the final vision of him before he goes into fog, brown now pings bot lane to tell them that dk is coming
2:41 lightning revenant finally heads toward general area that dk has been pinged of
2:43 and 2:44 brown continues pinging bot lane
2:45 brown tells his teammates bot lane to be careful of dk, lb has launched his arrow guessing the area of dk
2:48 his arrow turned out to a lucky one and he has hit dk for a 5 sec stun
3:42 bb sees that dk is heading toward the river, bb heads to gank him
3:53 bb meets dk and kills him and goes back to mid lane
4:07 he lost vision of people in bot lane
4:12 he goes back to mid lane
This time stamp does not stop any mher
4:41 bb heads top to help with a gank
4:46 and 4:47 he kills of dusa and chases axe, dk is charging toward top lane
4:56 vision of a charging dk has become available
4:57 he tries to stop the charge but fails
He had vision of the charge before trying to stun, not a mh time stamp either
5:13, 5:14 if he was a mher he would have been able to follow the invis dk
6:29 vision of charging dk is seen
6:30 he stops this charge with aftershock
7:16 bb backs off with 400 hp and low mana, nothing odd about it
7:23 bb stops around his tower a few seconds before heading back to base to heal, I see nothing wrong with him blinking
9:41 bb gains vision of charging dk briefly because he came into sentinel area
9:42 bb vision of charging dk is seen again in river, bb follows by blinking to use aftershock to stop said charge
11:27 all lanes are missing only person visible was yellow and he died, bb heads into jungle to gank
11:38 bb has gotten vision of blue at neutral camp
17:38 bb is pushing mid lane
17:47 vision of blue charging top is seen
17:49 troll has been charge, bb decides to go help
After watching so far none of indicate times proves mh at all, he was an observant person is all I can say. If he mhed he would have gotten an invis dk awhile back
!deny but your evidence is not enough for mh as you claim jiminy
Any comments pm me
2:34-2:35 dk can be seen using a clarity potion and heading toward bot lane
2:38 brown pings that dk, teal is heading bot for his team, this ping is followed by a series of pings by brown that dk will get bot river rune
2:40 dk finally reaches the edge of the final vision of him before he goes into fog, brown now pings bot lane to tell them that dk is coming
2:41 lightning revenant finally heads toward general area that dk has been pinged of
2:43 and 2:44 brown continues pinging bot lane
2:45 brown tells his teammates bot lane to be careful of dk, lb has launched his arrow guessing the area of dk
2:48 his arrow turned out to a lucky one and he has hit dk for a 5 sec stun
3:42 bb sees that dk is heading toward the river, bb heads to gank him
3:53 bb meets dk and kills him and goes back to mid lane
4:07 he lost vision of people in bot lane
4:12 he goes back to mid lane
This time stamp does not stop any mher
4:41 bb heads top to help with a gank
4:46 and 4:47 he kills of dusa and chases axe, dk is charging toward top lane
4:56 vision of a charging dk has become available
4:57 he tries to stop the charge but fails
He had vision of the charge before trying to stun, not a mh time stamp either
5:13, 5:14 if he was a mher he would have been able to follow the invis dk
6:29 vision of charging dk is seen
6:30 he stops this charge with aftershock
7:16 bb backs off with 400 hp and low mana, nothing odd about it
7:23 bb stops around his tower a few seconds before heading back to base to heal, I see nothing wrong with him blinking
9:41 bb gains vision of charging dk briefly because he came into sentinel area
9:42 bb vision of charging dk is seen again in river, bb follows by blinking to use aftershock to stop said charge
11:27 all lanes are missing only person visible was yellow and he died, bb heads into jungle to gank
11:38 bb has gotten vision of blue at neutral camp
17:38 bb is pushing mid lane
17:47 vision of blue charging top is seen
17:49 troll has been charge, bb decides to go help
After watching so far none of indicate times proves mh at all, he was an observant person is all I can say. If he mhed he would have gotten an invis dk awhile back
!deny but your evidence is not enough for mh as you claim jiminy
Any comments pm me
- Protector of Nature
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Re: [DOTA] [LOD];
Jiminy asked for me to check the 3rd replay
Game time
16:27 all players visible for this team fight have been seen
16:28 grey has become invisible but it can be guess his general direction since he had been fighting oj and vision had been given
16:29 vision of grey has come out of the fog once again
16:30 grey has gone into invis once again
16:32 yellow chronos general area of invis grey had been in catches grey
Not a mher time because grey had been seen
17:34 yellow blinks nearby a pit lord with lower hp to call him, grey is near and gets caught in as well
17:41 grey turns invis with 17 hp left from the fight he was in
17:42-17:44 grey heads in a straight line back
17:45 yellow can guess this pathing and calls him
Again vision was seen and yellow being the experience player he is can guess the pathing of a player who moves straight back
20:18 yellow stands in the hill area on scrouge side bot lane near the river roughly less than a second later grey starts to hit yellow
20:21 yellow begins to head toward area that grey had shot him from
20:23 yellow blinks onto of a grey who backed in straight line that had agrro him off to let him know invis dusa was around
20:41 teal pings for rosh, oj has tele onto ledge near rosh
20:43 yellow has gain a brief moment of vision of harb
20:45 yellow this vision to blink and call harb
He had vision before he blinked once again jiminy
22:15 yellow heads to push mid since they had just won a team fight
22:18 vision of furions leavers are seen on ground
22:19 yellow knows this means mirana is teleing in he blinks in and calls
22:28 dg with lower life backs off in straight direction
22:32 yellow can easily guess the straight pathing back to base and blinks in for the kill
Once a player gets to a certain level to play as a dota/lod player they can guess pathing for people to move straight back, all incidents yellow had vision before blinking in to call or chrono.
This request is still denied with nothing to prove mh
Any further comments pm me I do not think the other game will change this outcome jiminy, he is not a mher a good player yes but his gameplay is not mh
Game time
16:27 all players visible for this team fight have been seen
16:28 grey has become invisible but it can be guess his general direction since he had been fighting oj and vision had been given
16:29 vision of grey has come out of the fog once again
16:30 grey has gone into invis once again
16:32 yellow chronos general area of invis grey had been in catches grey
Not a mher time because grey had been seen
17:34 yellow blinks nearby a pit lord with lower hp to call him, grey is near and gets caught in as well
17:41 grey turns invis with 17 hp left from the fight he was in
17:42-17:44 grey heads in a straight line back
17:45 yellow can guess this pathing and calls him
Again vision was seen and yellow being the experience player he is can guess the pathing of a player who moves straight back
20:18 yellow stands in the hill area on scrouge side bot lane near the river roughly less than a second later grey starts to hit yellow
20:21 yellow begins to head toward area that grey had shot him from
20:23 yellow blinks onto of a grey who backed in straight line that had agrro him off to let him know invis dusa was around
20:41 teal pings for rosh, oj has tele onto ledge near rosh
20:43 yellow has gain a brief moment of vision of harb
20:45 yellow this vision to blink and call harb
He had vision before he blinked once again jiminy
22:15 yellow heads to push mid since they had just won a team fight
22:18 vision of furions leavers are seen on ground
22:19 yellow knows this means mirana is teleing in he blinks in and calls
22:28 dg with lower life backs off in straight direction
22:32 yellow can easily guess the straight pathing back to base and blinks in for the kill
Once a player gets to a certain level to play as a dota/lod player they can guess pathing for people to move straight back, all incidents yellow had vision before blinking in to call or chrono.
This request is still denied with nothing to prove mh
Any further comments pm me I do not think the other game will change this outcome jiminy, he is not a mher a good player yes but his gameplay is not mh
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