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[ID] ohitsloves @useast & extremekiller @uswest

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:11 am
by MusiQ
[b]Replay Link:[]
[b]Game Name:[[ENT] Island Defense #65]
[b]Your Warcraft III Username:[MusiQ) @uswest]
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username:[ohitisloves & extremekiller]
[b]Violated Rule(s):[[ENT] general rules: as listed below, primarily excessive abuse, ghosting, intentional feeding, stalling & TKing.]
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay):[Approximately 16mins, 17mins & 20mins/ violations throughout most of the game.]
[b]Any further thoughts:[A handful of ENT general rules were violated during the game including but not limited to: Do not flame. Don't rage or insult other players excessively, Do not teamkill (for example, by blocking, using spells, or destroying/hiding/stealing items) e.g. Goblin Zeppelin being attacked and later killed at approx. 20mins , Do not feed on purpose which negatively affects the game e.g. Tauren harvesters at approx 16mins, Do not leak information to your enemies/opponents (ghosting) e.g. all throughout the game,]

Re: [ID] ohitsloves @useast & extremekiller @uswest

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:21 am
by Ultrasonic
pls provide a valid link...

Re: [ID] ohitsloves @useast & extremekiller @uswest

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:24 am
by MusiQ

Re: [ID] ohitsloves @useast & extremekiller @uswest

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:56 am
by Ultrasonic
I watched the replay... hmm based on my opinion they all had agreed for creating an elborate plan of intentionally abuse and feed the titan, red however aka musiq tried to kill the titan and almost when the game ended the most funny part and obv violated rule was pink aka ohitislove(tauren) came to reds hunter while killing tit and just meleed and tked his hunter imo watch the replay if ur not satisfied with my comment, also green(extremkiller, tauren) kept advising titan to stay away from mid scaring the tit for insta kill lol imo he literally wanted to stall and tbh he said this quote'' besides i wanna test out some bugs with this guy,spell,etc.'' = literal stall, also additionally pink wantd to play tag with him xd imo op quote for abuse stall of nub titans. pls i support this brq for admins if i hadnt explained it enough watch the replay link.

Re: [ID] ohitsloves @useast & extremekiller @uswest

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:57 pm
by Merex
No rules from extremekiller broken.
-- banned 6 days for Teamkill/Intentional Feed.