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[DOTA] [jessica.jaymes, kuntfukcer (us east)]

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:42 am
by Disco-Infernal
[b]Replay Link:[]
[b]Game Name:[[ENT] dota arem us/ca #3]
[b]Your Warcraft III Username:[Disco-Infernal]
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username:[Jessica.jaymes, kuntfukcer]
[b]Violated Rule(s):[Refusal to VK an afk/griefer]
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay):[21:23, 23:55]
[b]Any further thoughts:[Refused to vk even though we made it clear that tosa was afk/griefing. Then they started pointless VK's on their own teammates and talking trash just to not complete the VK.]

Re: [DOTA] [jessica.jaymes, kuntfukcer (us east)]

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:11 am
by Disco-Infernal
Refused to vk even though we made it clear that tosa was afk/griefing. Then they started pointless VK's on their own teammates and talking trash just to not complete the VK.]

Re: [DOTA] [jessica.jaymes, kuntfukcer (us east)]

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:24 am
by I3omb

tosa3 is banned for 7 days for refusal to play

Disco-Infernal, Tripas, PubsCanCarry, pubscantcarry, and 140.6miless all voted during the requested votekick

mexican_wisp, dima_d, jessica.jaymes, and kuntfukcer are banned for 3 days for refusal to kick a rule breaker

Any comments pm me