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MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:45 pm
by AndyMaster
Replay Link:
Game Name:
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s):
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:

Malboro Red, please check the last 2 games I played. . . he brings SP1 as his bot on the sentinel and a random name bot (usually pink) on the scourge. The code between the bots is 2ez, undefeated or N O O B S or noob down. This is how he talks with them. Please ban him for life. . . he is a pro hacker.

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:03 pm
by RadiantCrystal
Make a proper post or it will be denied

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:42 pm
by onlyme3
Replay Link: ... 517200.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #51
Your Warcraft III Username: onlyme3@entconnect
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): hacker, abuse (not really sure what this is called but AndyMaster described it above)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Literally all game
Any further thoughts:
I was in this game with AndyMaster and i can 100% confirm this. Please deal with this as soon as possible. This was the 2nd game in a row that this was happening (he even used Troll Warlord in both games). I wasn't aware of it until AndyMaster explained to me how MalboroRed was cheating somehow by using Pink ( After this game was over, he joined the next available game and was typing the same "codes" in the game lobby.

On a side note, another ban request was made and i am pretty sure this is the same person.
Read the first few minutes of Purple's chat from this link. Undeniable proof. He admits that he was MalboroRed from previous game. Just read what he says in chat...

PLEASE do not disregard this request despite the first post.

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:42 pm
by mael
I also just played a game with this guy. Honestly I don't think he hacks but is just really new to the game. He did say some silly things but his gameplay seemed genuine (noob but genuine).


Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:10 pm
by pineapplez
LOL i feel bad for the guy who had this troll on his team.

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:29 pm
by onlyme3
so i take it this is not gonna get looked into?

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:48 pm
by ReapersPowers
Had to see this post to believe it. You're saying the idiot that keeps making new accounts every day, picks troll as his char on uswest and spams "2ez undefeated" all game is a bot? What about the retard that keeps making new accounts, picks ES and spams verses from the bible all game long: "AND THE LORD SAID......" ? If this is true it would be unreal. If you guys need additional account names I'm sure I can dig them up.

Re: MalboroRed has a bot that hacks as pink

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:09 am
by getstomped
doesn't belong to malborored. usepro5i is a known issue and has since been resolved. processing