[CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

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[CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

Postby theblitched » Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:47 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 613269.w3g

Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #74

Your Warcraft III Username: Moshadius95@europe.battle.net

Violator's Warcraft III Username: 3388225@europe.battle.net, t100destructor@europe.battle.net, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net

Violated Rule(s): Game ruining, ghosting, wasting money in order to try and hide that they are game ruining

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): At 6:45 you can see that selects his 'Portar of the Abyss' and cancels his voidwalker production while it was almost finished.

At 8:16 I create a 'Gjallarhorn' in front of the castle, give our units a speedbuff. They will start to build all his building in one line, in order to make our units split so they don't get a speedbuff.

At 10:05 He cancels the production of his voidwalker again at 75%. This time holding it for 30 seconds, so I obviously caught him in the act. When I alerted him on it he restarted it again.

So now I decided that they are trying to make their m8 win and us lose, so I saved the game to use it as evidence (was unneeded cuz I can find the replays on ENT).

12:28 Here you can clearly see what I mean with the building in a line in order to make the units split so they don't run past the 'Gjallarhorn' anymore.

at 14:05 You can see blue standing around with 600+ gold deciding to invest it into a 'Shield Generator' altough this is no huge deal on it's own, blue should know better that saving so much cash for no big reason can get you to fall behind in income. alright many new players make this mistake but you don't see him do this in his other games. + He (they) will do these kind of saves throughtout the whole duration of the game.

In this first round red is still pretending to be a noob hence he isn't building his well of pains for a cage (bottom left corner (This isn't game ruin, but he knows better)).

16:30 Red has 1000 gold, but isn't afk investing it in a 'Felhound Shrine' lol.
1 Minute later you see blue running around with 1000 gold.
2 Minutes later blue is standing around with 1633 gold just refusing to build at this point.

Because of the fact that I am catching them with most of the methods they use in order to help OVanKillerratO, they adapt their strategy and the game ruin elements become less obvious and more sneaky from this point.

In the 2nd round they won't do obvious things anymore but instead they spam the wrong units so we will easily get countered example. (mass wyrms vs marksman and amazon, mass deathpits vs human, mass skullpiles lategame).

Gray lagged out at around 30:42 minutes, So now we were able to draw the game. Everyone drawed except OvankillerratO. He acted like he didn't know what was going on.

At around 40 minutes into the game the biggest game ruin happends: You can see 3388225(red) running up to the castle at 40:40 he buys a 2nd orb of lightning from the castle for 550G and immediatly sells it right after he bought it. Despite reds efford we still have much more income than the opponent. It gets worse at 44:38 red makes a big save of 1500G buys the cheese out of the castle, but doesn't build a 2nd legendary.

In the 3rd round I stopped paying much attention to them and just played my game. It's basically more of the same, building the wrong units, not building on pushes, not doing specific common sense tasks only start doing them when I tell them so (not making shrooms vs air as north), retardedly HUGE saves (red at 1:11:00 having 2500 gold while we are pushing causing us to draw, etc..

Any further thoughts:I also want to point out that I didn't make this report because I lost or out of rage or anything. I clearly saw OvankillerratO in the opposite team. I knew my risks when the game got started. I just realised too late about 30 sec into the game that his friends were in my team -.- But on the other hand if they didn't do it to me, they maybe could have done it to someone else.

This is 3388225's stats page and you can see here that he is using a smurf account to let OvankillerratO get his elo up faster wich is fine. But then deciding to go into the enemy team and lose/ruin the game is not! https://entgaming.net/customstats/castl ... r/3388225/

And you can see that T100destructor aka murlocmaster aka noobob aka annilator aka bomberman are all the same person and definitely friends with OvankillerratO
Just check one of the other replays to see the difference between my game and their other games.
They are all in this clan NFR2 together. I don't know who the main accounts of 33882255 and T100destructor are but they are definitely friends and all from the same clan.

I know for a fact that boosting your own elo or your friends elo by being in another team as them won't be tolerated. People have done this before: talking Sirocoool, Myself for example and it's pointless to do.

This is my most in depht ban request yet, but I feel it had to be done like this, because it requires some knowledge of the Castle Fight map to see the game ruining that is really going on. Please watch this replay and see for yourself. I hope I made it clear enough with all my timestamps.

@supersexyy @aRt)Y

Castle Fight 74.w3g
Castle Fight replay
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Re: [CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

Postby Kunert88 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:52 pm

i had the same in the past with them and i was right as i did the reuqest in the past, its the same gameruining play from red and blue but i havent expect any other things from bad cf players. Using chaos modes and gameruining are 2 big different things. this should be more bannable, then say wrong modes in the lobby . Dont understand why ppl rushing elo anyway it doesnt mean that your good or not or maybe its cause of the fame,or i think they just wanted to piss u off and rush elo in same game :PPPP

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Re: [CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

Postby theblitched » Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:30 pm

I don't get it either this is the worst part of game ruining in my opinion too even worse than shitty modes. With high start gold mode there is atleast an equal chance. Going into the enemy team just to fuck them over and boost your own elo is way worse. You're being sabotaged from inside your own team :P No chance
And they did it too obvious.

+I offered them to just draw the game and I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. And OvankillerratO didn't want to. So I think you might be right Kunert that it was on purpose.

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Re: [CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

Postby Hallion91 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:01 pm

Alright, if you check the replay you'll see. You can see red canceling production on units. you can see blue and red both saving BIGTIME on pushes.
they stuff from the castle and sell it back to waste their own money. OvankillerattO is so high in the ranks! If this is how he wins his games he shouldn't be in there at all!

Ironically they cry/report everyone who does the slightest thing wrong yet they don't follow the rules themselfes haha!

Can an admin find out who those other 2 people are? What their main account is that they use?

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Re: [CF] 3388225, t100destructor, ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net - Elo boosting friend in opposite team

Postby matdas » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:02 pm

Boosting spotted. All violators will be banned for 1 month for game ruining and boosting, all account stats will be wiped.

Code: Select all

automatic@europe.battle.net, 3388225@europe.battle.net, a-team@europe.battle.net, qwwwert@europe.battle.net, nooblader@europe.battle.net, 92986@europe.battle.net, 338289@useast.battle.net, 7775566@europe.battle.net, 5566778@europe.battle.net, 4433678@europe.battle.net, auto@europe.battle.net, 87879@europe.battle.net, feuerwehr@europe.battle.net, 989930@europe.battle.net, dummkopf@europe.battle.net, 898767@europe.battle.net, lukutus@uswest.battle.net

Code: Select all

bomberman@europe.battle.net, t100destructor@europe.battle.net, annihilator@europe.battle.net, r1seaga1nst@europe.battle.net, tauren007@europe.battle.net, bierkiste@europe.battle.net, noob31@europe.battle.net, noob42@europe.battle.net, gogogogo@europe.battle.net

Code: Select all

ovankillerrato@europe.battle.net, hamstershateyou@europe.battle.net, kautgnom@europe.battle.net, wodan@europe.battle.net, yournoob@europe.battle.net, whatwillhappen@europe.battle.net, killingusoftly@europe.battle.net

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