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DOTA ForWiner Maphack

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:07 am
by Tonyslarks
Replay Link:
Game Name:
Your Warcraft III Username: Tonyslarks
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ForWiner
Violated Rule(s): Maphack, also game ruined at the end once everyone saw he was maphacking
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Throughout game but very noticeable in the 43rd minute of the replay, around 43 to 46 minutes was very noticeable however there were many others: 5:10 awareness of LC in woods, 20:15 hides to kill invis LC, 27 minutes hides without any vision of danger, 35:30, 40:50. It is pretty much throughout.
Any further thoughts: Subsequent to obviously map hacking he decided he was "Bored" with the game and was going to buy a Divine rapier and feed it to LC or Riki (his words).

Re: DOTA ForWiner Maphack

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:22 am
by Tonyslarks
@getstomped If you can take a look at this I'd appreciate it, I think it is pretty clear.

Re: DOTA ForWiner Maphack

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 3:26 pm
by Haunt
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #88

All times are replay time:
At 11:20 he goes 3v1. Why would he do it if he hacks?
15:20 he can't decide if he should go kill creeps or not. Riki is there invis, but Harbringer doesn't know that without hacks.
At 20:00ish doesn't go back when Riki approaches. Dies.
At 22:30 waits in fog for LC to start a fight with axe. No reason to stay behind when there are only enemy creeps to kill.
At 30:00ish goes hiding when Skywrath mage and sniper are closing in. Thorough the game he has been farming but never hide like that.
At 35:30ish runs back when brown comes to sentinel woods, turns to fight him when sniper isn't coming as well. banned.

Re: DOTA ForWiner Maphack

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:10 pm
by F-Train
no dodge.