Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega 1200+ #15
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): Do not use Mercenary. If a player accidentally switches to merc, he/she must leave the game immediately.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 15:20
Any further thoughts:
15:20 <CMEX> 0x10: Immediate order: [Change Builder to Mercenary] (flags: 0x0046)
As we saw it we orded him to follow the rule and leave. He didn't do it so we kicked him. Caus he didnt annouce the switch and continue playing (3 Minutes until we saw it) with merc i guess his switch was on purpose and not accidentally.
18:47 [Allies] Master-Iduna: merk
18:53 <Master-Iduna> 0x68: Map ping (X: -3433.42, Y: -1635.92)
18:54 [All] holocaustheiko: merc?
18:54 [Allies] Master-Iduna: merc
18:56 [Allies] Master-Iduna: y