[DOTA] Otosan@uswest.battle.net, LiveEvil@uswest.battle.net
Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 5:17 am
[b]Replay Link:[/http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=5748365.w3g]
[b]Game Name:[/[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #79]
[b]Your Warcraft III Username:[/HackaPudge]
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username:[/Otosan, LiveEvil]
[b]Violated Rule(s):[/maphack]
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay):[/15 min huskar goes to the exact place where bear was farming and ultis him, he even used heal before he tried to gank him, which is super suspicious. 32 min, 33 min, and 34th min ogre would just go the roshan and ancient creeps next to roshan to gank ursa who is farming there, no vision, nothing just walked up there n ganked him like he knew exactly where ursa was, so is huskar... forgot the exact time but he used his heal before he ganked ursa who he has no vision for at the scourge ancient creeps. 39th and 40th min ogre and huskar waited for me in the forest to gank. Together... next to each other waiting for me (I was invisible). Not sure if i made sense... but to me (ive been playing for a long time) mh's are pretty obvious. ]
[b]Any further thoughts:[/dodge. I've missed many more suspicious actions of them. but if you could check the whole replay you'll know what I'm talking about. kinda hard to pin point 2 mh-er at the same time]
[b]Game Name:[/[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #79]
[b]Your Warcraft III Username:[/HackaPudge]
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username:[/Otosan, LiveEvil]
[b]Violated Rule(s):[/maphack]
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay):[/15 min huskar goes to the exact place where bear was farming and ultis him, he even used heal before he tried to gank him, which is super suspicious. 32 min, 33 min, and 34th min ogre would just go the roshan and ancient creeps next to roshan to gank ursa who is farming there, no vision, nothing just walked up there n ganked him like he knew exactly where ursa was, so is huskar... forgot the exact time but he used his heal before he ganked ursa who he has no vision for at the scourge ancient creeps. 39th and 40th min ogre and huskar waited for me in the forest to gank. Together... next to each other waiting for me (I was invisible). Not sure if i made sense... but to me (ive been playing for a long time) mh's are pretty obvious. ]
[b]Any further thoughts:[/dodge. I've missed many more suspicious actions of them. but if you could check the whole replay you'll know what I'm talking about. kinda hard to pin point 2 mh-er at the same time]