[BS]eLBIMBo, enfo_bobo_tae, hihi33
Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:08 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/customstats/battl ... e/5874097/
Game Name: [ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #73
Your Warcraft III Username: fofo.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: eLBIMBo, enfo_bobo_tae, hihi33
Violated Rule(s): votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 29:00
Any further thoughts:
As you can read in the chat, they simply votekicked players just because the enemy got too rich and causing them losing. Strongly suggesting Ent adjusting the kick system. Auto kick players who had been afk for a period of time, and players who were still moving can't be kicked anymore. You see in most cases players only used votekick for afkers, and that ain't working well either, a lot of players who couldn't speak English, or who don't understand the rules just won't vote. Ending up players who failed to votekick their afker will come to forum and post requests, and then players who got banned will come to make an appeal. Admins must be tired to handle all these ban requests too.
And eventually votekick had became cheatings tools for players who know the rules and bot functions, according to their stats and banning history.
Hope Ent can actually do something about it, if votekicking system can't be adjust in any soon, at least give players who abuse it a longer ban, thank you.
Game Name: [ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #73
Your Warcraft III Username: fofo.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: eLBIMBo, enfo_bobo_tae, hihi33
Violated Rule(s): votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 29:00
Any further thoughts:
As you can read in the chat, they simply votekicked players just because the enemy got too rich and causing them losing. Strongly suggesting Ent adjusting the kick system. Auto kick players who had been afk for a period of time, and players who were still moving can't be kicked anymore. You see in most cases players only used votekick for afkers, and that ain't working well either, a lot of players who couldn't speak English, or who don't understand the rules just won't vote. Ending up players who failed to votekick their afker will come to forum and post requests, and then players who got banned will come to make an appeal. Admins must be tired to handle all these ban requests too.
And eventually votekick had became cheatings tools for players who know the rules and bot functions, according to their stats and banning history.
Hope Ent can actually do something about it, if votekicking system can't be adjust in any soon, at least give players who abuse it a longer ban, thank you.