Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:51 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 992172.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #20
Your Warcraft III Username: Schringo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: 1883@asia.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): He refused to communicate, even !ignored the team right in the beginning. As a result he sent alone or forced the team to send with him at pretty useless times. That is a perfect example for "game ruin".
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all game
Any further thoughts: We dont need solo players in a team game like LTD, give him some time to think about it please.
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #20
Your Warcraft III Username: Schringo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: 1883@asia.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): He refused to communicate, even !ignored the team right in the beginning. As a result he sent alone or forced the team to send with him at pretty useless times. That is a perfect example for "game ruin".
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all game
Any further thoughts: We dont need solo players in a team game like LTD, give him some time to think about it please.