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[DOTA] imgonnawreckit US West and scottstots US West

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:41 pm
by Boshibaru
Subject: and Scottstots@uswest,

Replay Link:

Game Name:[ENT] DotA arem us/ca #68

Your Warcraft III Username: GANKBANK.

Violator's Warcraft III Username: imgonnawreckit and Scottstots

Violated Rule(s): Votekick Abuse, Friends playing together abusing the votekick. Another player and me were asking imgonnawreckit to help the team, but the player and his friend kept bashing us and then votekicked me after i voiced my displeasure.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 20:13

Any further thoughts: They probably do this to other people as well. Below is the chat the went on at the time of the votekick abuse.
(20:13 / Allied) ScottsTots: now he's just throwing
(20:13 / Allied) GANKBANK.: im carry
(20:15 / Allied) ScottsTots: what a troll
(20:16 / Allied) GANKBANK.: i need to farm
(20:17 / Allied) GANKBANK.: lol
(20:18 / Allied) ScottsTots: !votekick gank
(20:18 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: A votekick against player [GANKBANK.] has been started by player [ScottsTots]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(20:18 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Type !yes to vote.
(20:18 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(20:20 / All) ScottsTots: throwing
(20:21 / All) ScottsTots: kick pls
(20:24 / All) GANKBANK.: bull shit
(20:24 / All) GANKBANK.: LOL
(20:26 / Allied) Th3Rapist: !yes
(20:26 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Player [Th3Rapist] voted to kick player [GANKBANK.]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:27 / Allied) ImGonnaWreckIt: !yes
(20:27 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Player [ImGonnaWreckIt] voted to kick player [GANKBANK.]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:30 / Allied) MUTATION.: !yes
(20:30 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Player [MUTATION.] voted to kick player [GANKBANK.]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:30 / Allied) jaji: !yes
(20:30 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Player [jaji] voted to kick player [GANKBANK.]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:31 / Allied) MUTATION.: kick him
(20:32 / All) ScottsTots: vote
(20:33 / Allied) Jody_High_Rolla: dont vote
(20:33 / Allied) MUTATION.: LOL
(20:33 / Allied) loser.: !yes
(20:33 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: Player [loser.] voted to kick player [GANKBANK.]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:34 / All) ScottsTots: even this up
(20:35 / All) GANKBANK.: how am i throwing please explain
(20:35 / Allied) Jody_High_Rolla: kick blue
(20:36 / Allied) MUTATION.: kick him
(20:37 / Allied) liboke: !yes
(20:37 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: A votekick against player [GANKBANK.] has passed.
(20:37 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: GANKBANK. was kicked by vote.
(20:37 / QUIT) GANKBANK.: Left
(20:42 / All) Jody_High_Rolla: wtf y did u vote
(20:44 / Allied) Jody_High_Rolla: fucking idiots
(20:48 / All) jaji: thx
(20:54 / All) Jody_High_Rolla: kicked th wrong prson
(20:55 / Allied) Th3Rapist: dont take items
(21:12 / Allied) Jody_High_Rolla: im done fuck this team
(21:22 / Allied) ScottsTots: shh
(21:29 / Allied) jaji: omw
(22:07 / Allied) ImGonnaWreckIt: bno
(22:17) Th3Rapist killed ScottsTots
(23:00) jaji killed theblackmambaaa
(23:11 / Allied) Jody_High_Rolla: -ms
(23:30) MUTATION. killed Jody_High_Rolla
(23:49) MUTATION. killed loser.
(23:56 / All) ImGonnaWreckIt: ANNOUNCEMENT: You can now select your desired hosting location(Atlanta, Chicago, Germany)! Check
(25:05) MUTATION. killed jaji
(25:19) GANKBANK. killed loser.
(25:26) GANKBANK. killed ImGonnaWreckIt
(25:34 / All) Jody_High_Rolla: fuck this game.,. told u u kicked the wrong guy

Re: [DOTA] imgonnawreckit US West and scottstots US West

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:48 pm
by Boshibaru
I understand that I have abused the votekick option recently, but regret doing so and accept my punishment. I will do better to not let my emotions get the best of me. I do agree that it is detrimental to the game as well especially if friends are able to dictate who plays and who doesn't. I hope that this can be reviewed and justice be brought. Thank you for your time.

Re: [DOTA] imgonnawreckit US West and scottstots US West

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:54 pm
by F-Train

banned 5 days for votekicking a player who has not broken any ent rules


banned 2 days for voting