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[DOTA] IllllIllllllIII

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:18 am
by CriticalSeasons
[b]Replay Link: ... 176506.w3g
[b]Game Name:[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #57
[b]Your Warcraft III Username: Pugna
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username: IllllIllllllIII, RATHIAS, zip
[b]Violated Rule(s): Feeding, fountain sitting/grieving, item selling constantly, not votekicking
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (08:07 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: game is lost
(11:00 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: at min 10 i am ffing (14:31 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: nah im just trying to not get kicked
(14:48 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: if i get kickedi get banned, and if i am already banned then let me be
(13:51 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: !votekick rathias
[b]Any further thoughts:
The player was level 2, playing as Slark, and would just sit in fountain from around the 6-8 minute mark, until the time he was kicked. He was constantly saying that he was gonna !ff, afked in fountain, moved intentionally to avoid getting kicked, sold his items and purchase, only to resell them. He also tried to votekick another member on the other team to avoid getting kicked.

Many member of the Sentinel team did not cooperate to kick the player, even after I informed them of his actions. I request a formal punishment for them for not following the rules, and not making the game enjoyable for other players.

Re: [DOTA] IllllIllllllIII

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:56 pm
by getstomped
(14:31 / Allied) IllllIllllllIII: nah im just trying to not get kicked

banned 14 days for game ruin.
3 votekicks were started. the 3rd votekick passed to kick slark
on the first 2 votekicks none of the players on your own team voted either. hard to blame opposite team for not voting either.