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[DOTA] 6 people to ban

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:16 am
by divinerape
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #21
Your Warcraft III Username: DIVINERAPE
Violator's Warcraft III Username: llllllllllli@uswest (game ruiner), mh.1@uswest, koalabies@uswest, giantant@uswest, bigb0y_flex@uswest, luka2004@europe
Violated Rule(s): feeding on purpose, selling all items, buying crows and feeding them to enemy team. the other 5 on the other team need to be banned for not kicking him, they were warned multiple times that they would receive a ban for not doing so as per ent rules
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all game, started buying crows and feeding them to enemy team around 15 mins in
Any further thoughts: ban away, thank you

Re: [DOTA] 6 people to ban

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:32 am
by dorumon
did you tell everyone the reason about using the votekick function in game?????

in the ENTGaming:VKRules, this rule(s) is/are the most important

1)When you initiate a !votekick, you should clearly explain "Who" and "How" the violator is game ruining via all chat.

2) You are free to refuse to votekick someone when there is lack of evidence/visible rule violation. However, communicate your decision via all chat, too.

if you didn't explain why must they be kicked out of the game properly via "all chat" then you can't blame the opposite team the other 4 of them.

i checked mh.1 match history on dota and i found that he isn't ruining the game at all. it is only your team side there llllllllllli@uswest who is ruining the game.

mh.1 don't buy items is to make the game fair for both sides and even out.

other than all this, i have nothing else to say.

thank you very much.

have a good day.

Re: [DOTA] 6 people to ban

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:52 pm
by divinerape
Yes it was explained multiple times.

"mh.1 don't buy items is to make the game fair for both sides and even out." more like mh.1 left the game and should also receive a ban for leaving too.

Re: [DOTA] 6 people to ban

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:08 pm
by I3omb
Leaving is handled by the autoban system, anyways !approve

[37470] 35:05 lllllllllllI 0x19: Select subgroup [Drow Ranger, object=0x0000CE4200007C15]
[38093] 35:41 lllllllllllI 0x19: Select subgroup [Juggernaut, object=0x0000B17B00005D65]

lllllllllllI is banned for 1 year for mh

3 votekicks were made, those that simply refused to kick this game ruiner for that was pretty clear when he was diving to die and feed his chickens.

1st votekick
DIVINERAPE and fukthenoob
2nd votekick
DIVINERAPE, LiveWell, fukthenoob, mr.experience
3rd votekick
DIVINERAPE, mr.experience, fukthenoob, LiveWell,,,, are banned for 4 days for refusal to kick said game ruiner

Any comments pm me

Re: [DOTA] 6 people to ban

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:50 am
by F-Train
no definite dodge