So let's clarify some things straight up, as we all know there are usually 2 types of mh-ers: the ones who make it too obviously, like fogclicking and following/running from people that are invisible or in fog (probably cause they don't care or they are just newbs) and the ones which try to hide it and let their self die sometimes when it's too suspicious or acting like a normal player in some cases. I think you're somewhere between, mostly you're trying to hide the fact that you use it but sometimes you just take advantage of it. This is for answering to all your question about "why would a mher do that?".
Sometimes people pay too much attention on their opponent or creeps from top lane (1v1) so even with mh u could be caught up in a moment when u don't look at the minimap (1).
They were going back already (min 11:36) and u were still near top and on min 11:39 the vision of them already disappeared so u had no reason to go after them anymore,(min 11:44) u got rune and u're heading to mid meanwhile they were all backing on fog,(min 11:46) you stop a 1 sec and then you're changing your move on that part where sasuke comes, cause he chose a stupid move by going with that hp looking for rune (remeber that all those things happened on fog and you couldn't guess this). What gang do you talk about since we all were dead, they were back already and only sasuke was low (2).
How come u waited the exact amount of time on going to farm top as lee got closer to that zone, you didn't rushed top you just waited the perfect ocassion to get him ,(min 21:23) u stop for 1 sec and after u blinked right on lee. And you are saying that you backed after killing lee cause he gave you enogh gold for kage relic but u already got enough money for that before killing him (min 21:26 you got 2100 gold the amount needed for that item) and why would you go back after killing him when you could of just pushed top right on that moment, not 30 seconds later. So yea you're just heading top to kill lee(3).
How could you say you didn't ping for heroes, u did exaclty 4 pings (as many as heroes were near) and you did it right where they were (1 by 1) looking like you used bingo book (but u hadn't that item unfortunately). You could of just made more or less pings in just one area to notify us that they are coming from somwhere near, I don't say that it isn't obviously that they would come to us eventually while we pushed and they were missing but your pings were too exactly where they were and they could have been splitted (2 coming from mid and 2 from bot), but no u "guessed" the exact of amount of players and where they are (4).
If you guys could look in min 26:16, through the bird it was visible that haku were near so he could make the bird visible (if there weren't any sandeyes planted that a "normal" player wouldn't see it). So if Rocky was paying attention even with or without mh he could of avoided the death of his bird(by moving it away or using bird's sheild), I just think he wasn't paying to much attention. So this excuse doesn't prove anything regarding his mh, from my point of view (5).
Min 31:16 neji has vision on haku but jiro is heading to lee place and I ping twice that haku is still in that zone, still jiro is going for lee,min 31:32 haku appears on top, still jiro is heading for lee, and the fact that he missed his stun at min 31:35 just shows the lack of his skills cause he already got vision of lee (helped by mh)(6).
Not sure what u're talking about give timestamps on(7).
In min 46:18 he only got vision of haku, meanwhile pain could have backed in any direction, min 46:23 haku still running straight to mid and uses ac so the vision even on him dissapeared but jiro changes he's direction wierdly (min 46:24) to something that he "smelt" and after he blinked near pain (min 46:26) (13).
I've put here all timestamps that I've found suspiciously so there might be some of them that doesn't prove much as (8),(14) but I thought to put all cause I don't want to miss anything.
About the accusing part, that I acuse every "good player", this has no relevance with this post, in game everyone can accuse someone of mh-ing, and after watching replay he could say he was wrong (by doing nothing) or right (by posting a ban request). I've acused some players (not "all good players" that he's referring of) and I've been acused of mh-ing so that's just part of the game.
And if these aren't enough evidences that he mh (which I doubt it), I'll bring back an older ban request where I didn't gave timpestamps and explications at that moment and it was denied for that reason: ... 96#p213296Since this game it's from several months in the past and there's no saved replay in the storage, I've managed to find some replay on my own computer:
In min 12:46 he folows me as I ran off him, I got in fog(min 12:55) so his vision is kinda lost but in the end he still manage to perfectly pull me (min 13:00) without no vision or knowing that I went in that side.