[ltd] asdat0r@europe.battle.net

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[ltd] asdat0r@europe.battle.net

Postby driksdijah » Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:36 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 234485.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #77
Your Warcraft III Username: driksdijah@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: asdat0r@europe.battle.net king23@useast.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Game Ruining for purple : asdat0r@europe.battle.net and wont kick a troll,game ruiner player for king23@useast.battle.net
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all the game is
Any further thoughts:
purple wont build all level, leak all time, wont send one time in team , in 17 level he send 2 time, i have think he is afk but he wont he just troll.
we have to play 3v4 and we loose only by purple fault on level 17 with hard leak.
game ruining for real.

enemie team no fair and wont kick purple.
[ENT] Legion TD Mega #77
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Re: [ltd] asdat0r@europe.battle.net

Postby HazarDous » Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:11 am

After reviewing; asdat0r@useast has never gone afk unless you consider level 2 to which he did not build. He is a new LTD player and had build a tier 6 unit for level 1. I'm ready to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he never went afk. He probably thought Magnator could hold level 2.

(04:06 / Allied) driksdijah: omg
(04:09 / Allied) driksdijah: purple afk ?
(04:20 / Allied) driksdijah: !votekick asda
(04:22 / All) driksdijah: purple afk
(04:29 / All) driksdijah: kick
(04:33 / All) asdat0r: me?
(04:42 / All) driksdijah: he wont build
(04:45 / All) asdat0r: u can suck my afk dick

However, you votekicked him as he was was building/answering. You also pushed the other team into kicking him with false statements. This is bannable.

(04:20 / Allied) driksdijah: !votekick asda
(04:30 / All) Gnurf: Player [GoToHellAndDie] voted to kick player [asdat0r]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(04:33 / All) Gnurf: Player [Gnurf] voted to kick player [asdat0r]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(04:35 / All) Gnurf: Player [catice] voted to kick player [asdat0r]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(04:39 / Allied) KinG23: !no
(05:00 / All) Gnurf: Player [gerechteficker] voted to kick player [asdat0r]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.


Players who voted while knowing purple was not afk (his team)

Players who voted without knowing purple wasn't really afk:

Player who did not vote:

Sure you could have misinterpreted his ''afk'' with the no build on level 2, but you tried to votekick him again multiple times while he was building.

(06:24 / Allied) driksdijah: !votekick asda (Same players voted)

(09:04 / Allied) driksdijah: !votekick asda (No one voted)

(10:28 / All) driksdijah: no kick troll or afk = 50 % so you take 1.5 day ban (He was clearly playing and building when you said that)

(13:11 / Allied) driksdijah: !votekick asda (No one voted)

Votekicking someone new to the game is not acceptable. Try helping them instead, and if you're not willing to do that, you can either not votekick them, or go play LTD 1200+.


Re: [ltd] asdat0r@europe.battle.net

Postby Mercy » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:51 am

As Hazard stated, the VK was started when he had been building. Also, the VK you started is a bannable one. He wasn't a troll, just a new player, has only roughly 73ish games- not nearly enough to learn the game if you don't pay attention.. You didn't even try to help him play.

If someone ban request you for this, you would be banned.

If a request comes in for him again, then we'll see, but this is just toxicity from you as you didn't even try to teach him. Instead you flame and try to force a kick when it was unwarranted.

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