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[DOTA] GayPrideSunday@useast

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:03 pm
by GetBannedHeaux
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #77
Your Warcraft III Username: Quit_Namaste
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GayPrideSunday, Calamity, Indy, uglymexicanboy, Stripella, ste1nar
Violated Rule(s): feeding on purpose, game ruin, ban dodge
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): first 20 mins of game
Any further thoughts: around 4.5 min mark es leads creeps to mines deliberately, again at around 5.5 min mark, inbetween those he purposely backs from a gank so he can let bara die and ks him. Leads creeps to mines again around 8 mins.
we started first vk at 6 mins, second vk around 10.5 mins, 3rd attempted vk at 15 min mark when he decides to buy gem and feed it to other team on purpose. 4th attempted vk around 17.5 min mark.

Evidence of ban dodge:
(17:50 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: if only blue shut his fucking mouth
(18:00 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: we wouldnt be in this situation
(18:04 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: good luck banning me
(18:06 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: lol
(18:14 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: its ez unban
(18:20 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: i make new account in 20 secs
(18:26 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: new account is still banned
(18:28 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: ip
(18:29 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: idiot
(18:32 / Allied) GayPrideSunday:
(18:35 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: lol
(18:37 / All) EaTADlCK: do it or u get a ban with him
(18:37 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: ur a joke

took 19 mins and 4 attempts before other team shows signs of stopping the game from being ruined
(18:51 / All) Calamity: start a kick
(19:08 / All) EaTADlCK: this is like the 4th one
(19:11 / Allied) Calamity: !votekick gay

not a single !yes from scourge until pink initiates 5th votekick attempt around 19 min mark

[DOTA] GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:26 pm
by HandsOffMyJunk
Replay Link: ... 253935.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #77
Your Warcraft III Username: EaTADlCK
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west
Violated Rule(s): Inetional Feeding/Some Scourge refusal to votekick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Just prior to 5 mins/15:16mins/19:21mins
Any further thoughts: So many lol. Basically even for the worst of players my team or another ill let it ride for a while even when they start going up over 6 deaths in nearly as many mins but you can tell by the intentional feeding by the chat that he knew what he was doing an laughed knowing I guess he wont get banned but here we are.

Just before 5 mins starts the whole thing top with blue and purp and continues on till id say you had to be somewhat aware. By 15 an change im calling for a votekick cause hes bought a gem an hes just walking out to feed it too scrouge for free anti techies. Sure at least 1 of them had a loth by then maybe but really? Especially with us unable to hold it lol? 19 an change is where we finally get him kicked almost pointlessly cause the games ruined (one of the endless that should never get counted) which is where the addition of Calamity at minimum and possible DG/Stripella comes into play.
Calamity played dumb about the whole thing right until the very end even throwing out plenty to be seen in chat about how he didn't know and apparently doesn't read or watch the game at all I guess lol.
Stripella on the other hand went under the radar until I checked through some of the chat log not only did he not vote on the last kick which actually passed but im pretty sure he didn't vote on anyone of the votekicks (to me the whole thing stinks of being friends) through the entire game.

Long winded sorry but it kinda needed it :)

Re: [DOTA] GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:37 pm
by Enterprise1

@HandsOfMyJunk please provide exact (timestamp) of when player started to purposal feed.

I'll review it. Some screenshots would be of a great importance. :)

Re: [DOTA] GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:55 am
by GetBannedHeaux
@enterprise1 i'm the techies from that game and I also posted about this... es ruined game from start and admits it in chat by blaming me saying it wouldn't have happened if I kept my mouth shut? about what? him intentionally wrecking my mines by leading creeps to it? just watch top lane at start of game and follow es from there and check out my post below:

Re: [DOTA] GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:07 pm
by HazarDous
GayPrideSunday@useast banned 5 days for game ruin (bring creeps to mines and suicide past min 15).

The game is 1 month old, and the game ruin wasn't that obvious for team 2. For those reasons, I won't be issuing bans for refusal to VK.

Moving to awaiting background check for this reason;
(17:50 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: if only blue shut his fucking mouth
(18:00 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: we wouldnt be in this situation
(18:04 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: good luck banning me
(18:06 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: lol
(18:14 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: its ez unban
(18:20 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: i make new account in 20 secs
(18:26 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: new account is still banned
(18:28 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: ip
(18:29 / Allied) Quit_Namaste: idiot
(18:32 / Allied) GayPrideSunday:
(18:35 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: lol
(18:37 / All) EaTADlCK: do it or u get a ban with him
(18:37 / Allied) GayPrideSunday: ur a joke

Thanks for reporting.

Re: [DOTA] GayPrideSunday@us.east Calamity@us.east Stripella@us.west

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:53 pm
by HazarDous
Did not dodge.