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[ID] []

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:53 am
by Duskwolf
Replay Link: ... 255143.w3g
Game Name: [Ent] Island defense #80
Your Warcraft III Username: Duskwolf
Violator's Warcraft III Username: nic
Violated Rule(s): Refused to leave base/give control with escapes available/TK
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): TK was at 11:20 Refused to leave at 12:05
Any further thoughts: Had many safe opportunities to leave with escapes available but refused, and did not give control.

Re: [ID] []

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:05 am
by Burn
He didn't TK at 11:20, please post exact timestamps next time.

Only asked once, didn't ask for control, and didn't even warn that it is ban-able. He also didn't block much, made you WW, which didn't impact the game at all, since you could've just killed a food source to get past.

Next time try educating rule breakers in a polite manner.

I'll still put it on his ban history that he refused to leave, and try to get in touch with him so he doesn't break rules again.

nic@east - Warned - first offense refusal to leave TID:64605
