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[DOTA] - Item Destroying - Others: VK abuse (Multiple violations)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:48 pm
by LiquidShards
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #80
Your Warcraft III Username: LiquidShards
Violator's Warcraft III Username: splendidpraiser, nudie, fitcakes, nubtube, IcreampieU, Jicama, retorica, baldpussiyum, autokick
Violated Rule(s):
Item destroying: splendidpraiser
Votekick Abuse:
--Not voting: nudie, fitcakes, nubtube (42:43)
--Starting illegal vote: nudi (44:52 and 48:26), BaldPussiYum (49:54), autokick (51:22)
--Voting on illegal vote: autokick, nudie, retorica, Jicama, nUbtUbE, BaldPussiYum (51:22)

Time of Violation (replay): 41:30 (Item Destroying), VK Abuse: Various
Any further thoughts:

After splendidpraiser starts destroying items we start a votekick. Everyone except nudie, fitcakes, nubtube vote. We clearly inform them that he is destroying items. Had they voted he would not have been able to destroy all his items. Please ban these three for not voting when they've been clearly informed of a violation.

(42:43 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [SplendidPraiser] has been started by player [LiquidShards]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to
(42:43 / All) nudie: Type !yes to vote.
(42:43 / All) nudie: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(42:46 / All) LiquidShards: hes sellnig items
(42:47 / Allied) IcreampieU: !yes
(42:47 / All) nudie: Player [IcreampieU] voted to kick player [SplendidPraiser]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(42:48 / All) LiquidShards: kick him now
(42:49 / Allied) LiquidShards: Kick
(42:49 / Allied) Jicama: !Yes
(42:49 / All) nudie: Player [Jicama] voted to kick player [SplendidPraiser]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(42:50 / All) LiquidShards: hes throwing
(42:50 / All) retorica: kick him
(42:50 / All) BaldPussiYum: !yes
(42:50 / All) nudie: Player [BaldPussiYum] voted to kick player [SplendidPraiser]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(42:52 / Allied) retorica: !yes
(42:52 / All) nudie: Player [retorica] voted to kick player [SplendidPraiser]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(42:53 / All) LiquidShards: hes selling his items
(42:54 / All) retorica: come on
(42:54 / Allied) autokick: !yes
(42:54 / All) nudie: Player [autokick] voted to kick player [SplendidPraiser]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(42:54 / All) nudie: Player [SplendidPraiser] is saving the game.
(42:54 / Saving game ?) SplendidPraiser: Save game.
(42:54 / All) retorica: he is throwing
(42:54 / All) BaldPussiYum: all yes it
(42:54 / All) LiquidShards: kick him
(42:54 / Allied) nudie: k gota end
(42:54 / All) IcreampieU: report it
(42:54 / Allied) LiquidShards: !yes
(42:55 / All) LiquidShards: hes selling
(42:55 / Allied) Jicama: !Yes
(42:55 / All) BaldPussiYum: yes it
(42:56 / All) LiquidShards: destroying items
(42:57 / All) SplendidPraiser: and you are barking
(42:58 / All) autokick: !yes
(42:58 / All) retorica: KICK!!
(42:59 / All) retorica: wtf
(43:00 / All) IcreampieU: !yes
(43:00 / All) retorica: KICK
(43:02 / Allied) retorica: !yes
(43:03 / All) BaldPussiYum: come on yes it
(43:05 / Allied) LiquidShards: !yes
(43:06 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [SplendidPraiser] has expired.

nudie votekick abuse: Starts votes against BaldPussiYum and fitcakes because he doesn't like how they're playing. Furi (BaldPussiYum) is trying to bd which nudie doesn't like while and fitcakes he just calls a noob. (Neither player was throwing!) When asked why he wants to votekick fitcakes he doesn't respond and insults everyone instead.

(44:52 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [BaldPussiYum] has been started by player [nudie].
(44:54 / All) LiquidShards: why
(44:55 / All) nudie: hes throwing
45:16 / All) BaldPussiYum: clinks is 1-5
(45:25 / All) BaldPussiYum: and am throwing u dumbfuck nigga

(48:26 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [fitcakes] has been started by player [nudie].
(48:31 / All) nudie: Player [autokick] voted to kick player [fitcakes].
(49:47 / All) LiquidShards: why kick dg
(49:54 / All) autokick: feeder and still creeping
(49:24 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [fitcakes] has expired.
(49:47 / All) LiquidShards: why kick dg
(49:49 / All) nudie: u guys are all so bad
(49:52 / All) nudie: its fucken sad

BaldPussiYum votekick abuse: Starts vote against nudie (revenge votekick)

(49:54 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [nudie] has been started by player [BaldPussiYum].

autokick votekick abuse: Starts vote against fitcakes (nudie, retorica, Jicama, nUbtUbE, and BaldPussiYum vote). He literally starts this vote because he doesn't think fitcakes is good and wants to take his items. (Immediately after autokick says "(51:57 / Allied) autokick: let me sange")

(51:22 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [fitcakes] has been started by player [autokick]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(51:22 / All) nudie: Type !yes to vote.
(51:22 / All) nudie: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(51:24 / Allied) nudie: !yes
(51:24 / All) nudie: Player [nudie] voted to kick player [fitcakes]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:28 / Allied) retorica: !yes
(51:28 / All) nudie: Player [retorica] voted to kick player [fitcakes]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:28 / All) LiquidShards: why
(51:29 / Allied) Jicama: !yes
(51:29 / All) nudie: Player [Jicama] voted to kick player [fitcakes]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:29 / Allied) nUbtUbE: !yes
(51:29 / All) nudie: Player [nUbtUbE] voted to kick player [fitcakes]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:31 / All) BaldPussiYum: !yes
(51:31 / All) nudie: Player [BaldPussiYum] voted to kick player [fitcakes]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(51:31 / All) LiquidShards: why kick
(51:35 / Allied) IcreampieU: !Yes
(51:35 / All) nudie: A votekick against player [fitcakes] has passed.
(51:35 / All) nudie: fitcakes was kicked by vote.
(51:35 / QUIT) fitcakes: Left
(51:39 / All) LiquidShards: why kick
(51:57 / Allied) autokick: let me sange
(52:05 / All) LiquidShards: everyone in this game vk abuse except me
(52:18 / All) autokick: u mean u didnt vk oj?
(52:45 / All) LiquidShards: not until he destroyed items

Re: [DOTA] - Item Destroying - Others: VK abuse (Multiple violations)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:05 pm
by getstomped banned 2 weeks for item destruction at minute 41ish.

Those not voting minute 42:43 votekick were informed of the item destruction and will be banned for not voting 2 days each: (2nd offense upped to 4 days)

Clinkz was nub, and at the time he was kicked there was no organized team push occurring that he wasn't apart of. Banning those who did vote: gets 4 days for initiating

nudie is handled above
nubtube handled above

2 days each: (2nd offense upped to 4 days) (2nd offense upped to 4 days)