[DOTA] bagely@uswest, captain.hook@useast, shove@useast, ferak83@euro
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:20 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 293801.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #14
Violator's Warcraft III Username: bagely@uswest, captain.hook@useast, shove@useast, ferak83@euro
Violated Rule(s):
bagely@uswest - Game ruining
captain.hook@useast, shove@useast, ferak83@euro - Refusing to kick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
15:20 Heads bot while threats are at top and mid, pushes to second bot tower, dying at 16:25
17:58 Watches battle without using a singe ability, as Dazzle is being Dueled, he uses Cold Embrace on himself with full HP
22:05 Uses his ult on a creep
29:55 Heads mid despite team backing and announcing it in chat, then dies
33:10 Heals Axe to stop Axe from teleporting home, we get raxed because of it
37:18 Teleports home to deny our rax that was low on HP
39:10 Uses Cold Embrace on full HP Sven to prevent Sven from attacking rax
Any further thoughts: I guess his boyfriend wouldn't give him the D that day, only explanation to why he was so cranky. At least gay marriage is now legal in all states. Winter Wyvern would always push quite far by himself, only to die. He wouldn't play with the team, and kept complaining (about not receiving the D). The other three players mentioned failed to kick Winter Wyvern despite enough evidence and the whole Scourge communicating his offenses. Votekicks were started a dozen times.
Winter Wyvern knowingly refused to play with team.
(30:25 / All) Bagely: if they wont push mid, this is boring them
(30:44 / All) Bagely: i'll push it alone until they do too
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #14
Violator's Warcraft III Username: bagely@uswest, captain.hook@useast, shove@useast, ferak83@euro
Violated Rule(s):
bagely@uswest - Game ruining
captain.hook@useast, shove@useast, ferak83@euro - Refusing to kick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
15:20 Heads bot while threats are at top and mid, pushes to second bot tower, dying at 16:25
17:58 Watches battle without using a singe ability, as Dazzle is being Dueled, he uses Cold Embrace on himself with full HP
22:05 Uses his ult on a creep
29:55 Heads mid despite team backing and announcing it in chat, then dies
33:10 Heals Axe to stop Axe from teleporting home, we get raxed because of it
37:18 Teleports home to deny our rax that was low on HP
39:10 Uses Cold Embrace on full HP Sven to prevent Sven from attacking rax
Any further thoughts: I guess his boyfriend wouldn't give him the D that day, only explanation to why he was so cranky. At least gay marriage is now legal in all states. Winter Wyvern would always push quite far by himself, only to die. He wouldn't play with the team, and kept complaining (about not receiving the D). The other three players mentioned failed to kick Winter Wyvern despite enough evidence and the whole Scourge communicating his offenses. Votekicks were started a dozen times.
Winter Wyvern knowingly refused to play with team.
(30:25 / All) Bagely: if they wont push mid, this is boring them
(30:44 / All) Bagely: i'll push it alone until they do too