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[ID] Ban Request for Synycyenta

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:05 am
by SylvQueen
Replay Link:
(67.15 KiB) Downloaded 22 times

Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #71
Your Warcraft III Username: MithosYggdrasil (SylvanasQueen)
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Synycyenta
Violated Rule(s): Teamkilling
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 04:04 or something like that
Any further thoughts: Blocked me with workers as Morphling which can produce SO MUCH WORKERS because of the 3 worker food for the harvesters. If I flamed i am sorry because it infuriates me how he can block and still call me nub sauce later on

Re: [ID] Ban Request for Synycyenta

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:57 am
by Burn
synycyenta@euro - 5d ban - intentional block + intentional feed tid:66182

Additional notes: I blew out a raspberry sound onto thin air when I saw that he blocked you with his workers.
