[CF] hatikvah@useast.battle.net, mat-1@europe.battle.net, palestine_94@europe.battle.net, wow-td@europe.battle.net

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[CF] hatikvah@useast.battle.net, mat-1@europe.battle.net, palestine_94@europe.battle.net, wow-td@europe.battle.net

Postby hooplehead » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:40 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=6365210
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #3
Your Warcraft III Username: hooplehead
Violator's Warcraft III Username: hatikvah, mat-1, palestine_94, wow-td, ballcrusher
Violated Rule(s): hatikvah failing to list nonstandard modes in lobby chat and afk entire game; mat-1 failure to votekick afk hatikvah; palestine_94 votekick abuse and failure to votekick hatikvah; wow-td failure to votekick hatikvah; ballcrusher votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 4:03 hatikvah afk, 8:48 afk again, 11:14 afk again until end; 1:48 palestine_94 votekick on mat-1, 13:43 votekick on mat-1 again, 16:31 votekick on mat-1 again; 20:04 ballcrusher votekick on mat-1
Any further thoughts: palestine used votekicks on mat-1 to tie up the votekick system so hatikvah could not be voted out. while wow-td did vote on the first vk attempt of hatikvah, he did not vote on the second attempt. plz note that while replay log shows palestine voting against hatikvah, his votes came after the votekick ended.


Re: [CF] hatikvah@useast.battle.net, mat-1@europe.battle.net, palestine_94@europe.battle.net, wow-td@europe.battle.net

Postby Hatedmaru » Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:03 pm

After reviewing:


(00:08 / Allied) mat-1: -rr2-ur-ht-ntb-na-sl-rban6-mp2-gld25-ca-srg500-skip

Mat was red (the one who failed to announce modes, not hatikvah as you mention)

Regarding votekicks:

(01:48 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has been started by player [Palestine_94]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(02:47 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has expired.

(07:43 / All) HaTikvah: can u kick me?
(07:51 / All) HaTikvah: have to go

(08:04 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has been started by player [hooplehead]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(08:07 / All) mat-1: Player [BALLCRUSHER] voted to kick player [HaTikvah]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(08:11 / All) mat-1: Player [WoW-TD] voted to kick player [HaTikvah]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(09:03 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has expired.

(10:40 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has been started by player [hooplehead]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(10:49 / All) mat-1: Player [BALLCRUSHER] voted to kick player [HaTikvah]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(11:40 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has expired.

(13:43 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has been started by player [Palestine_94]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(13:50 / All) mat-1: Player [BALLCRUSHER] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(13:53 / Allied) Palestine_94: XD
(13:55 / All) mat-1: Player [WoW-TD] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(14:43 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has expired.

(14:49 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has been started by player [hooplehead]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(14:55 / All) mat-1: Player [BALLCRUSHER] voted to kick player [HaTikvah]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(15:48 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [HaTikvah] has expired.

(16:31 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has been started by player [Palestine_94]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(16:35 / All) mat-1: Player [BALLCRUSHER] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(16:39 / All) mat-1: Player [WoW-TD] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(17:30 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has expired.

(20:04 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has been started by player [BALLCRUSHER]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(20:10 / All) mat-1: Player [WoW-TD] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(20:10 / All) mat-1: Player [Palestine_94] voted to kick player [mat-1]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(21:04 / All) mat-1: A votekick against player [mat-1] has expired.


palestine_94@europe.battle.net for 7 days (This guy was clearly trolling when voting !yes and starting the abusive votekicks as it can be seen on chat - Refusal to votekick afker + starting abusive votekicks and voting on abusive votekick)
ballcrusher@europe.battle.net for 5 days (refusal to votekick afker + starting votekick abuse and voting on abusive votekick)
hatikvah@useast.battle.net for 5 days (afk)
wow-td@europe.battle.net for 3 days (refusal to votekick afker + voting on abusive votekick)
mat-1@europe.battle.net for 3 days (Unannounced mode + refusal to votekick an afker)

Thanks for reporting



Re: [CF] hatikvah@useast.battle.net, mat-1@europe.battle.net, palestine_94@europe.battle.net, wow-td@europe.battle.net

Postby Hatedmaru » Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:40 pm

No dodging found, bans expired


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