[BS] [Supersaiyangod U.S West] [ss.angelus Europe] [chargingrhino U.S West] [game.noob2 eurobattle]

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[BS] [Supersaiyangod U.S West] [ss.angelus Europe] [chargingrhino U.S West] [game.noob2 eurobattle]

Postby Mofear » Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:19 am

Replay Link: http://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=6399642
Game Name: Battleships Pro 5v5
Your Warcraft III Username: Bogeyman
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Supersaiyangod, ss.angelus, nmsleeper, game.noob2
Violated Rule(s): Refusing to kick afk and refusing to kick the guy burning gold and never leaving the base
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (06:41 / All) refusal to votekick multiple switches to sailor; (03:41 / All) refusing to kick a guy that will not play; (4:38) Supersaiyangod buys and sells all items then switches to sailor multiple times this continues after this point all game.
Any further thoughts: This was terrible sportsmanship. The fact that they still lost when we started out with 4 afk and a guy switching to the same ship 25 times just sums up what kind of people we are dealing with. Nobody wants to play games with this level of terrible.

A few statements by supersaiyangod
(00:23 / Allied) SUPERSAIYANGOD: fuck u
(00:24 / Allied) SUPERSAIYANGOD: i go afk
When he bragged about burning our gold (11:36 / Allied) SUPERSAIYANGOD: lol u lost 6k now


Re: [BS] [Supersaiyangod U.S West] [ss.angelus Europe] [chargingrhino U.S West] [game.noob2 eurobattle]

Postby Hatedmaru » Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:44 am

After reviewing:

Banning supersaiyangod@uswest.battle.net for 10 days (Refusal to play, afk/grief + wasting gold).
Banning ayaxay@europe.battle.net for 3 days (AFK).
Banning tollison@useast.battle.net for 2 days (AFK).

Regarding votekicks:

(01:12 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [ayaxay] has been started by player [Bogeyman]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(01:19 / All) Bogeyman: please start kicking
(01:24 / All) Bogeyman: 3 afk
(02:12 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [ayaxay] has expired.

(06:41 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [SUPERSAIYANGOD] has been started by player [Bogeyman]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(07:41 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [SUPERSAIYANGOD] has expired.

(13:50 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [SUPERSAIYANGOD] has been started by player [stillofknight]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to
(13:53 / All) ChargingRhino: Player [Bogeyman] voted to kick player [SUPERSAIYANGOD]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(14:49 / All) ChargingRhino: A votekick against player [SUPERSAIYANGOD] has expired.

Also banning game.noob2@server.eurobattle.net , chargingrhino@uswest.battle.net , nmsleeper@useast.battle.net and ss.angelus@europe.battle.net for 2 days for refusing to votekick afk/intentional game ruiner.

Thanks for reporting and sorry for the delayed response ;)


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